Adding Auto-Increment ID in both parent and child table


Jan 11, 2006
Programming Experience

I tried out samples in MSDN regarding how to enable autoincrement of an ID through Stored Procedure, it works. Now I'm having doubts where I wanted to insert the ID which is auto-incremented in parent table when a new record is added, to be inserted in the child table.
I just make an illustration for example, StaffAccount Table (Parent Table)having StaffID as primary key, it is auto-incremented using stored procedures-succesfully completed, now the StaffID is the foreign key in Login Table(Child Table), I want the StaffID to be added automaticallly in child table once a new record has been inserted in parent table.

How is this possible?

Thanks in advance for helping in reading this.

best regards amygal
Use @@Identity to get the new ID (look it up in SQL Books Online for more details on it.)

Then use it when inserting into the child table.

Hi tg,
Thanks for reply
but it seemed having some prob:
I had tried the stored procedure u had specify, but is generate error says that no null value can be inserted into the Login Table. Alright, I had set the StaffID in child table of Login AS Not Allow Null, I guess tis is the prob, but yet if i changed the setting to Set as Allow Null, the result the same- IT does not insert the auto-generated StaffID in (Staff Record)Parent Record to the (Login)child table.
Here is my Procedure

Create PROCEDURE InsertStaffAccount
@StaffName varchar(20),
@Gender char(10),
@Address varchar(50),
@Position varchar(20),
@@Identity int OUT

SET nocount On
INSERT INTO StaffAccount(StaffName,Gender,Address,Position) VALUES (@StaffName,@Gender,@Address,@Position)
INSERT INTO StaffLogin(StaffID,Password) VALUES (@@Identity,@@Identity)

any Idea??

Thanks in advance

best regards
Yeah.... as I said... look up on the use of @@IDENTITY...

Create PROCEDURE InsertStaffAccount
@StaffName varchar(20),
@Gender char(10),
@Address varchar(50),
@Position varchar(20),
@NewID int OUT

SET nocount On
INSERT INTO StaffAccount(StaffName,Gender,Address,Position) VALUES (@StaffName,@Gender,@Address,@Position)
INSERT INTO StaffLogin(StaffID,Password) VALUES (@NewId,??????)

I added the ????? because where the heck does the password come from?


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