Question add items to the invoice

user name

Oct 3, 2012
Programming Experience
i need help
i madede an invoice application using VB.NET 2008 and MSAccess 2007
but i faced a problem with adding new items to the same invoice number

can any one direct me to the right steps?
You need two separate tables: one for the invoice and one for the items in the invoice. The Invoice table would contain columns for all the values that appear just once per invoice, e.g. invoice number and customer reference. The InvoiceItem table would contain columns for all the values that appear once per item, e.g. product reference and quantity. The InvoiceItem table would also have a column for invoice ID, which is what relates a group of items to a specific invoice. There are examples of this type of relationship in database samples all over the web. Microsoft's own Adventureworks database samples includes such relations. Note that the relation between customers and invoices is basically the same.

Maybe you already knew this much and you just didn't explain yourself clearly. Do you already have the schema sorted and it's the actual saving of the data that's the issue? If so then the trick is that you need to save the parent record first so that the database can generate the ID, then you can put that ID into all the child records. You can do that manually if you want but, with a little bit of code, it can be done automatically for you.

Then you can simply use a single DataSet containing both DataTables and a DataRelation. When you add the parent record to the DataTable it will generate a temporary ID, which you can use in the child records. When you save the data, the parent data is saved first and the generated ID retrieved and updated in the parent table, which is automatically propagated to the child records before they are saved. Here's an example of how:

Retrieve Access AutoNumber Value After Insert
thank you

i did it and it is adding items now
but when i add a new invoice it keeps the old invoice data in the datagrid
any help:sneakiness:
you really helped me
i am trying to learn by looking for help from profissional people
please check attached file
i know it is week but it is for test
I apologise if I have been mistaken but, given the size of your attachment, I'm rather certain that it contained binary files, which is against forum rules, so I have deleted it. If you do want to attach a project then please ensure that you have deleted all the bin and obj folders first. That said, attaching a zipped project should be a last resort. Your first option should be to post the relevant code and only the relevant code, directly in your post, wrapped in the appropriate formatting tags, i.e. [xcode=vb]your code here[/xcode]. That's a lot easier for us than downloading an attachment, unzipping it, opening the project in VS and then trawling through it hoping to find where the problem might be. The easier you make it for us, the more likely we will help you this time and in the future.
ok sir
i used the followinf codes
1- add new invoice code

2- add new item code

3- delete invoice code

4- delete item code

5- print invoice code
 Dim rpt As New invoicerpt
rpt.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\invoicerpt.rpt")
rpt.RecordSelectionFormula = "{}=" & IDTextBox.Text
print.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt

6- save invoice code
 On Error Resume Next

sorry i am still learning
my problem is when i add a new invoice all old items can be seen in the datagrid and printed too
exactily i am TRYING to make simple invoice application on and Msaccess 2007
i did almost everything with you help but now i have 3 problems

1- when i click add invoice
it gives me a new ID but it keeps the previous invoice items and even when i print it comes on the report
and when i delete invoice it does not delete related items

the other problems i am trying to solve them
one with calculating total for all items and the other one appears in report
it shows all column and raws