Question add a row to datagridview by XML

Ron Miel

Apr 9, 2011
Programming Experience
I have a datasgridview. I can populate it from an XML file like this:

  Public ds As New DataSet
   Dim xmlFile As XmlReader
   xmlFile = XmlReader.Create("products.xml", New XmlReaderSettings())
   dg_products.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)

this is linked to the file, so that if I change the data manually, it wil be saved in the file.

Now, I perform a webrequest, and get a webresponse. It is one record in XML, the same format as the file.

I want to add the new record to the datagridview, and the linked file. What is the syntax for doing this?
You can call ReadXml method multiple times to add new data to the existing DataTable.
Thank you, what's the syntax?

I've got the webresponse like this:

  Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
  Dim incoming_stream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream
  Dim sr As New StreamReader(incoming_stream)

   ' get the incoming stream into an XML document
   incoming_xml = New XmlDocument

how do I insert that into the datatable?
what's the syntax?
Look here first: DataSet.ReadXml Method (System.Data)
Syntax is same as in your first post basically. You used XmlReader input to read data from a file, you could have just used the file path String.

The new data is coming from a Stream and it would be natural to use that as input for ReadXml when you want to add that new data to your existing DataTable.
DataTable also has the ReadXml method, that behaves the same and takes same kind of input: DataTable.ReadXml Method (System.Data)

Getting to your existing DataTable can be done either from DataSource where you put it (DirectCast from type Object to type DataTable), or you can keep a reference to it with a private class variable.
Thank you, I did in fact search the reference before asking. I still don't know hoe to do it. I can't get it to work.
I tried this, for example

        Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(req)
        Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
        Dim incoming_stream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream


It doesn't work. The new item does not show up on the datagridview. What am I doing wrong?

Also, I may want to edit the returned record before I add it to the table. For exampl;e it has a timestamp in an unfriendly format. I really don't need to show microseconds, I want it rounded to the nearest second. So it would be better if I can load a string or strings rather than an unaltered stream.
It doesn't work. The new item does not show up on the datagridview. What am I doing wrong?
I did the exact same thing and it works for me. Is "ds" the DataSet object (or containing the DataTable) that you bound to DataSource?
Also, I may want to edit the returned record before I add it to the table. For exampl;e it has a timestamp in an unfriendly format. I really don't need to show microseconds, I want it rounded to the nearest second. So it would be better if I can load a string or strings rather than an unaltered stream.
Lots of options: Edit the field programmatically after is was added. Read the new data into its own DataTable, edit that, ImportRow into the other DataTable. Read the new data as Xml (Xdocument), manually add the modified data as a new row to DataTable.
I did the exact same thing and it works for me. Is "ds" the DataSet object (or containing the DataTable) that you bound to DataSource?
Yes, see the code in my first post.

Lots of options ... Read the new data as Xml (Xdocument), manually add the modified data as a new row to DataTable.

That's exactly what I want to do, but I can't work out the correct instruction to do that.
Please instruct me how to do that.
Since you know how to load xml into a dataset, why not do that?
XDocument is not difficult though:
Dim doc = XDocument.Load(theStream)
Dim name = doc...<product>.<name>.Value
Are you kidding? No, seriously, are you?

That's what you did in first post with ReadXml.
No, I am not kidding. In the first post I loaded XML from a file. I can do that.

Now I want to load XML from an XmlDocument. I don't know how to do that.
That not what you said, you said that you needed to load xml from a stream. I have already explained that you can do that with ReadXml method to read it into DataSet/DataTable.

It doesn't matter where the source of the xml comes from, or whether you read it into a DataTable or a XDocument.

XmlDocument by the way, is a completely different class than the XDocument class.
I will repeat my question. (see post#3)

I've got the webresponse like this:

  Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
  Dim incoming_stream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream
  Dim sr As New StreamReader(incoming_stream)

   ' get the incoming stream into an XML document
   incoming_xml = New XmlDocument

how do I insert that into the datatable?

This is my question. It has always been my question. I did not bring up the subject of streams. I do not want to know about streams.

And by the way, I tried ReadXml like this:


It gives me an error saying 'illegal characters in path'. I presume it's looking for a filename, so it doesn't like the string I pass it.
Correct syntax is:

or see post 8 if you want to load it to a XDocument. XmlDocument is old and inconvenient.

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