About Application.Run and Modal form


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Programming Experience

I'm new here and I will start by saying greetings everyone here and thanks for ready my post!

I am currently using a multi-threading splash screen that I got from this address: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/apploadingarticle.aspx

I translated to VB.NET without any problems and it works. I think I might not understand something in there and it is the Application.Run()

I am trying right now to show this splash screen in MODAL mode and this code uses Application.Run and I already tried to show my Form using MySplashFrom.ShowDialog() before calling the Application.Run(MySplashForm)

Here's some code of to start my thread:

Namespace Splasher
Public Class Screen
    Private Shared splash As SplashScreen
    Private Shared thread As Threading.Thread = Nothing

    Private Shared Sub ShowThread()
        splash = New SplashScreen()
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub Show()
        If Not IsNothing(thread) Then Exit Sub

        thread = New Threading.Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf ShowThread))
        thread.IsBackground = True

    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub Close()
        If IsNothing(thread) Then Exit Sub
        If IsNothing(splash) Then Exit Sub

            splash.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf splash.Close))
        Catch ex As Exception
            thread = Nothing
            splash = Nothing
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
From a program that I want to call my SplashScreen:
Events in my form...

The thing I am trying to explain is that when I got an error in my form that is calling the splash screen and I popup a message box, well, if I am using the TOPMOST property on my SplashScreen form, well my message box is in the back on it and I cannot click on it and I cannot move the SplashScreen. When I don't put the TOP MOST property to True, well, if I click on my window that is not the splash screen, my splashscreen goes in the back ...so I guess the ShowDialog would solve my problems but I cannot use it ...and also, the top most property is always on top as much that I cannot switch to another application without having my splash screen in the center!!!

This splash screen is really good when you load the application, but I want to use it too when I click on a SEARCH button and it pops up while my gathering my data from the database ...this is where my problem is! I would like to use the same one with a parameter (that is already working) but it's only the showModal that I need... or maybe sending my message box by my splashscreen that would be a little bit more complicated ...

Thanks, I know I'm not sure how to really explain all this because I'm not so used to with multi-threading applications.
