a flaw with maximizing


VB.NET Forum Moderator
Staff member
Jun 3, 2004
Lansing, MI; USA
Programming Experience
i've noticed that with the windows forms (VS2003) if you set the MaximizeBox to False you can't maximize the form but clicking the button or but double clicking the title bar

but with the Logitech MX700 (this is true for the MX500 series and the MX1000) if you set one of the buttons to 'Maximize' then you go to your cv windows form that has MaximizeBox set to False and press the Maximize button on the mouse the un-maximizable form maximizes

is there a way to fix this or get around it so my form can't be maximized?
Well, I will email Logitech and maybe they will stop producing sucha if i may buggy mouses


Btw, how are you ... nice to see you are still in (with us and still posting). helping people around[size=-1]. I hope they will value your assistance.[/size]

Regards ;)
I think you'll find that it depends how the message is sent to the form. Setting the MaximizeBox property to False would presumably prevent the Windows message being generated from your app's UI. If the message comes from elsewhere then it must still be being acted upon. You could probably override the WndProc method to intercept the appropriate Windows message and make sure it was not acted upon by your form.