This is a five part post by Anthony Green, former PM of the Microsoft VB.Net language team. For everyone that uses VB.Net and wants to see it continue, FIND, LIKE and RETWEET Anthony's tweet to Satya Nadella.
Here are the links to the posts:
Here are the links to the posts:

A Primer on Why the Chronic Suffering of the VB.NET Community is neither Necessary nor a Matter of Expense or Practicality
I’d originally planned to write on this particular topic in response to increasing outreach to me personally, through my blog and other places, unsolicited, and independently from multiple communit…

Part I: A Fundamental Right to Self-Determination
In 2014 Microsoft open-sourced Visual Basic .NET as part of the “Roslyn” project. For its entire life before that VB (both Classic and .NET) had been a closed-source proprietary language. And in a …

Part II: A Direct Response
Inappropriate For starters, I just want to say that this statement on .NET 5.0 seems ill-timed. The nature of the message contrasts in a very unflattering way with the kind of reassuring supportive…

Part III: From Loving Microsoft, to Wanting Microsoft, to Needing Microsoft, to…?
A Love Story I have loved Microsoft for most of my life. (Don’t worry, this post isn’t just a clip show of my life, there’s some good stuff in the middle) I remember in 1999, I was a Freshman in hi…

Part IV: Visual Basic .NET
There’s an interesting linguistic phenomenon that happens when a brand becomes an archetype for a model or class of thing. No, not like “Googling it” but like when you say “The Cadillac of Smart Ph…

Part V: An Open Letter to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on the Matter of His Words and the Company He Leads
Dear Mr. Nadella, I should set expectations that I don’t seriously expect you to read everything that I’ve written as part of this response; I don’t want to seem that presumptuous. You’re an insane…