3D Tic Tac Toe with Alpha Beta pruning


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Programming Experience
Hello all, I think this is the correct section for my questions but I am not sure!

Anyways I have to program a 3D tic tac toe game.

EDIT: Forgot... I am using visual basic to do this and programming in visual studio 2010 professional.

Basically it will use mouse clicks to determine which section of a tic tac toe board was clicked and then implement alpha beta pruning to determine the best place for the computer to place their marker.

The cells will simply change color when clicked, red for player and blue for computer.

The cells will be drawn in a panel in a rohmbus sort of shape and it will appear as a side view with 3 "level"s of 3x3 tic tac toe boards.

User could win if he marked cell (1,1) of the matrix on the top level, (2,2) of the matrix on the middle level and cell (3,3) of the matrix on the bottom. Player can also win in other ways as well, all 3 "markers" in a line do not need to be physically in the same "level" of game board.

Problem is I have LITTLE to NO idea how to implement something like this in VB. I am a upper level Computer Science major in college and have had many of the required elements before such as recursive calls, trees, creating classes and so on... but they do not really lend well to VB especially since VB is a fair bit different then the other languages we were taught.

I am not looking for a complete handout of source code here... just something to get me started in the right direction or pointers/advice I can get on the project. I am pretty lost.

Thanks in advance for any help!:cool: