Question 2- tier application HELP!!


Active member
Jul 4, 2012
Programming Experience
hi all,

I'm developing a simple look up program in VB.NET and ADO.NET and was wondering when I release the 2-tier application how can i deploy the app so the GUI's communicate with only one data access tier? and also whats the easiest way to update the app? thanks for your time any help would be much appreciated. and also is it a good idea to use or should i use C#?
Can you clarify, you want your data access tier external to the compiled application?
For your second question, C# and VB.NET both compile down to IL, just use what you are most comfortable with. This is a VB.NET forum though!
Can you clarify, you want your data access tier external to the compiled application?
For your second question, C# and VB.NET both compile down to IL, just use what you are most comfortable with. This is a VB.NET forum though!

yeh mate i want the data tier to be on the server computer where the database is held and the multiple GUI's on clients computers(over the local network)
Doesn't make sense to me, you then need to write code to interact with the remote data layer, why not just make a dll and use it in multiple apps?

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Doesn't make sense to me, you then need to write code to interact with the remote data layer, why not just make a dll and use it in multiple apps?

Sent from my XT910 using Tapatalk 2

i made a flow chart to help you understand what i mean a bit better.
Right OK. I thought you were saying you wanted your applications data access layer external to the compiled application. You just mean your apps will take data from a database server right?
Is it SQL? If so have a look at this article I posted not too long ago.

The Curve | Simple MSSQL Data Access Layer - Using VB.NET

The article does not go into storing your connection string in web.config. Have you done that or need direction?

For updating the app I go 2 ways personally, I deploy a clickonce to a server location if its an online only app. Then the users get updated whenver they launch it from a shortcut. For offline applications I package to MSI and use MSPs for updates.
nah its a microsoft access database, just to let you know my app will be running only in a LAN not over the internet
The data access code I linked to will do with a few minor changes. Just change

        Private cmd As IDbCommand = New SqlCommand

        Private cmd As IDbCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand

Do the same for SQLConnection to OleDb.OleDbConnection and it should be ok. I havent tested it as I dont have access installed.