I think this is a good starting point video, though it seems you rush through everything and your presentation seems really scattered, like you've haven't really planned out everything you're going to say before hand, the main points of it seem clear, but you've got a lot of random comments of "other things" throughout.
I also notice you do rename the form from "Form1" to "Main", but you don't rename the "Form1" file to "Main", even though the form's class name is changed, not renaming the actual Form1 files to Main would cause confusion later on. If instead of changing the Name property of Form1 you change the name of it in the Solution Explorer from "Form1.vb" to "Main.vb" it'll rename the "Form1" class name to "Main" inside all the code files too.
I also see you change the Text on the button from "Button1" to "Message" but you don't rename the control itself, when you put in the MsgBox() code in it's click event, the actual name of the button is still "Button1" which is bad practice to not actually rename the controls on the form. As more controls are added to the form, it starts to get very confusing remembering which button "Button1" is, compared to the 6 other buttons on the form.
For each control, when you add it to a form after you change the Text property to whatever it should be, you should scroll up the properties window to the Name property and change it from "Button1" so something much more meaningful, like "MessageButton" in your video example. That way when you need to use that control in code, you can type in "Mes" and you should easily be able to see "MessageButton" in the IntelliSense menu.