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  1. CygNuS

    Error in reading Text Files

    Obviously it is, but i suspect JuggaloBrotha is asking for the lines of code you use to read and write the txt file.
  2. CygNuS

    What does this #1/1/1900# means?

    If the value in txtDueDate.Text is a Date then it will convert it to Date and immediately return it (Note that the commands following the Return statement will not be executed). If the value in txtDueDate.Text is not a Date then it will return #1/1/1900#, the Date representation of jan 1 1900.
  3. CygNuS

    SQL Statement Dilemma

    I am pretty sure that VBStarterKid wants to achieve this: - Tim (last purchasedate 13th Sept) - Kris (last purchasedate 12th Sept) - John (last purchasedate 12th Sept) - Fred (no purchases) - Roy (no purchases) To order by purchasedate, he simply had to include it in the select statement. But...
  4. CygNuS

    add row to datagrid with fixed variables

    For your first problem you should handle the DefaultValuesNeeded event of your datagridview. In there you can set e.row.cells("corr_KundenNr").Value = TopKNNR.Text Every time you click anywhere on the final row (NewRow) in your grid, this will be triggered, very handy for default values. No...
  5. CygNuS

    101 Visual Basic .NET Code Samples

    You don't have to post that 3 times in a row :rolleyes: Just look at the very first post in this thread, the link to VB.NET 2003 samples is right there.
  6. CygNuS

    Cannot enter a 0 or 1 in a BIT datatype

    Via code you can use values 1 or 0, but when changing the value manually like you are doing, use True or False.
  7. CygNuS

    Program won't maximise, and using hyperlinks

    Welcome to the forums About the first question: Anything special happening in the Form_Load event of your main form? The answer to the second question about the hyperlinks: I presume they are LinkLabels? Double click a hyperlink in the Designer and put this code in the LinkClicked event...
  8. CygNuS

    Naming conventions!

    I would personally prefer txtAnyDescription over anydescriptionTextbox though. If you want to type the name of a control but don't know the exact name, you will almost certainly know by heart if it's a textbox (txt) or combobox (cbo) rather than if it's name starts with 'description'... or was...
  9. CygNuS

    Loader lock was detected

    I googled around a bit and probably since iTunes version 7.10 came out, there is that loader lock problem. Only solution for now is to close iTunes while debugging or turn of the Loader Lock check via "Debug -> Exceptions...
  10. CygNuS

    Call button control from public sub

    What do you mean by "calling" a button then? just focusing it? Then use Button9.Focus() Or is Button9 a control that is supposed to be created at runtime?
  11. CygNuS

    Unzip a zipped file in windows form

    What is in entry.Name when the error occurs?
  12. CygNuS

    Unzip a zipped file in windows form

    My guess is the "\" is missing between destpath and filename in that line outStream = File.Create(destPath & "\" & entry.Name)
  13. CygNuS


    cjard is right that it's better practice not to use string comparison with dates. Suppose your program runs on an other pc with its international settings set otherwise than yours, for example his date will be represented as "13/12/2006" where yours is "12/13/2006". String comparison could...
  14. CygNuS

    Raising an Event or . . . ?

    Put this method in your code, you can handle other keystrokes with it too without having the focus be on a specific control Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(ByRef msg As System.Windows.Forms.Message, ByVal keyData As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Boolean If keyData = Keys.Delete...
  15. CygNuS


    What's in Label1.Text at design?
  16. CygNuS

    Problem - Stored Procedure

    Where exactly does the error occur? I don't see anything wrong at all at first sight (except for the missing closing bracket in the last line, but that's prolly copy paste problem) What comes after your code; how do you execute the command?
  17. CygNuS

    Crystal Report Coding Problem

    What is the exact error? Did you Add all the necessary References to the project? - CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms - CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine etc...
  18. CygNuS

    Error in Connection String

    We might narrow down the problem if you stepped through the code while running to see on what line the error occurs exactly. Anyway, Google gives a lot of hits on that error: Possible causes: If none of that helps locate the problem then...
  19. CygNuS

    Error in Connection String

    ' Create Instance of Connection and Command Object Dim techConnection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(strConn) Error probably occurs here? Could you check with breakpoints? If so, how and where is variable 'strConn' initialized?
  20. CygNuS

    How to read data through Excel in

    That's weird? no errors and visible is set to true yet you don't see it. Go to task manager and close all excel.exe's, then put everything from line oXlBook = oXlApp.Workbooks.Open... (this one also in comment) to Y2 = oXLSheet.Cells.Item... in comment and try again, you should at least now...