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  1. S

    Question Help Needed to make animation from pattern string for displaying Bingo winning patterns

    Loop probably wasn’t the right word. I meant set the interval based on the number of patterns so that It seamlessly keep the animation changing at the same duration/pace Is there any point updating to .net 8 ? Any benefits?
  2. S

    Question Help Needed to make animation from pattern string for displaying Bingo winning patterns

    Thanks JohnH This really helps stop the timer from hanging the UI. Thank you
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    Question Help Needed to make animation from pattern string for displaying Bingo winning patterns

    Thank you so much. This works fine. I have put the code on a timer and made it loop Just a couple of questions if you don’t mind 1) Is there a way to make this work on just one strPattern with various pattern from 50 to 250 characters rather than the way you have done it with two...
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    Question Help Needed to make animation from pattern string for displaying Bingo winning patterns

    I could use these, just have no idea how to make the animation or make the labels change colour to simulate an animation. Can you help me with this? The current labels are named lblR1C1 to lblR1C5 lblR2C1 to lblR2C5 lblR3C1 to lblR3C5 lblR4C1 to lblR4C5 lblR5C1 to lblR5C5
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    Question Help Needed to make animation from pattern string for displaying Bingo winning patterns

    Hi Thanks for replying There are no buttons on this form it’s just a presentation screen for displaying numbers called, previous number, ticket colour and showing their bingo ticket etc The bingo card is made up of a panel and labels which is made visible once you enter the serial number of...
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    Question Help Needed to make animation from pattern string for displaying Bingo winning patterns

    Hi all I'm having a problem creating an animation to show the winning patterns of a bingo game. this is the string for the pattern, this is a 5x5 pattern. so 25 characters for each pattern. first 5 characters are for line one, next 5 are for line 2 etc dim strPattern as string =...
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    Resolved Help Need to Select Correct file based on serial number

    I’m currently using VS2010, but have now installled VS community 2022 and switch the option strict to on and had quite and few errors. I have convert them to If intSerial = Convert.ToInt32(serialtextbox.text) = 300 then ‘Continue else exit sub end if would you say that’s correct? I must say...
  8. S

    Resolved Help Need to Select Correct file based on serial number

    Many thanks for your code, it works perfectly. Thank you I just had to change the filePath section to Dim filepath = String.Format("c:\temp\Data{0}.dat", filenumber) I'm still new to programming and will take on board what you said and try to improve my code when dealing with integers and...
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    Resolved Help Need to Select Correct file based on serial number

    I’ve test the code and I’m getting an error on the file path with the $ Saying invalid character
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    Resolved Help Need to Select Correct file based on serial number

    Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and explaining about the dangers of mixing integers and strings. The TextBox will only allow numbers so there no chance of character being entered If e.KeyChar = Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(Keys.Back) Then Else Dim ch...
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    Resolved Help Need to Select Correct file based on serial number

    Hi All I'm currently using this method to select the file based on the serial number, but ideally would like to find a better way minimize the code Each file contains 5000 lines per file and I have currently have over 100+ files and growing as more data is added, so that's a lot of coding...
  12. S

    Question Regex pattern help

    Hi all I’m trying to search a string using Regex and have trouble finding a pattern I have a string which is spilt into 3 groups of 5 numbers 01 00 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 I want to count how many 00 their is in each group and hopefully get the position in the string The...
  13. S

    Question Regex Pattern Help

    Hi all I’m trying to search a string using Regex and have trouble finding a pattern I have a string which is spilt into 3 groups of 5 numbers 01 00 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 I want to count how many 00 their is in each group and hopefully get the position in the string The...
  14. S

    Question how to retrieve row, update and lock from another user?

    I have now found a different way of doing this, so this is how I did it just incase someone else is having a similar problem step 1 - update the amount of tickets needed. this code will update 10 rows for 10 tickets change the UPDATE TOP(2) for two rows OpenSQLdatabase() sql = "UPDATE...
  15. S

    Question how to retrieve row, update and lock from another user?

    Hi all I have setup a database with 15 bingo numbers per row (see image), I'm trying to search for the first ticket number which is in a column is called number and then retrieve bingo numbers and update the printed column from no to yes to stop it being read again. the problem that I'm having...