Search results for query: *

  • Users: Icone
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  1. I

    view data from two tables into one DataGridView

    You're so great my friend. Thumbs up! Is it possible in listview? Doing some expand and collapse function? Let me know if yes.
  2. I

    Replacing character in string

    Can replace function help you? E.g. txtsample.text = Replace(txtsample.text,"\","/")
  3. I

    Executing query inside a data reader?

    I'll set an example for you.
  4. I

    Data disappear after saving!

    It is not necessary to clear your dataset before filling so I suggest to remove it and if you're clearing the datagridview data, place it before the loop not after.
  5. I

    view data from two tables into one DataGridView

    I am dealing with VB.NET for 6 months almost and I am looking this stuff before, I thought it it impossible. Did you really get the solution same as showed above?
  6. I

    Update after find record

    Use Datareader for that, all you have to do is to read and update after one cycle of reading. :smile:
  7. I

    How to populate parent column by child column.

    Yes there is, go to ms access and design a query. After, view the it's SQL query statement then use it to join data's from two tables in one row query.
  8. I

    Question How to Group and Sum datatable

    You can use the SUM() function is select query for that problem.
  9. I

    Want to automate a process

    I think I have the solution you are looking for, in your form_load, set a statement that will fetch the details you want. You mean data's that will be visible is within that day only? If yes then make a query something like this - "Select * from tblname where datesold = '" & &...
  10. I

    Question SQL CONNECTION.. login failed for user

    You can try my own way of building sql connection dim con as sqlconnection = new sqlconnection(Data Source=EXAMPLE-PC;Initial Catalog=dbdatabase;Integrated Security=True;) And please include to add this line above - Imports System.Data.SqlClient
  11. I

    Datagridview and adding all of it to a SQL DB (Object reference not set)

    Try this: dim cmd as sqlclient.sqlclientcommand dim a as integer = 0 For i = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1 cmd= new sqlclient.sqlclientcommand("insert into tblsample(field1)values('" & DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value.ToString() & "')",con) if con.state = connection.closed then
  12. I

    Question Help me developing this program?

    Study first about the basics (variable declarations, toolbars, and etc.) and then on how to deal with file maintenance, after a week maybe depending on your learning you can start making it.
  13. I

    text box saying instructions

    You can simply validate the field if it is for numeric input only without checking whether it is an number or not. and then include to your IF condition that if text box is null, button's enable property will set back to false.
  14. I

    Populate form textbox by sql database

    If you are going to retrieve only one data, use this select query Select top 1 machcode,machname from tblsample order by id asc Put this query inside your command and set datareader. while = true then txtbox.text = dr(0) cbobox.text = dr(1) end while
  15. I

    creating an employee class

    Just try to declare all of your variables into public so that it can be retrieved anywhere you want as long as it in the same project.
  16. I

    sql search query( nat..conf..150..)

    It is possible with nat.. but seems impossible with nat..conf..150 if its together. You can use textbox autocomplete, it automatically searches for a string that matches in your input as you type. The search results will drop from the textbox.