Search results for query: *

  1. rvercesi

    VB 2005 - How to get domain from hostname or IP Address. Not all servers are Windows

    Hi there I work at a company in a department that manages several domains across several networks. We have access to all and I have to create an app that lists all servers in those networks and gathers some basic info on then. I have two problems. 1st I have a list of IPs. I have to...
  2. rvercesi

    Question Cycle textboxes within groupbox

    Found the answer my self... Just needed to search a bit more Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click For Each tp As TabPage In tabs.TabPages ClearFields(tp) Next End Sub Private Sub...
  3. rvercesi

    Question Cycle textboxes within groupbox

    Hi there Anyone knows how to cycle all textboxes within a determined groupbox? I can figure out how to cycle all controls in the form but can't get past that point. Regards, RVercesi
  4. rvercesi

    collect controls in a form

    You can try something like this: Dim cntrl As Control For Each cntrl In Controls If TypeOf cntrl Is TextBox Then 'DO WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO End If Next
  5. rvercesi

    Another Weird Behavior

    Sometimes it's the most idiotic things. I believe .NET has several "bugs" that refer only to the real of "magic", :-) For instance, you could try changing If Page.IsPostBack = False Then to If Not Page.IsPostBack Then and try it that way. I know it sounds silly but I've found it several times...
  6. rvercesi

    Question Loading DataGridView in Thread (several issues)

    Hi guys Still around importing Excel Files to DataGridView. Since my main problem was to keep color formating, I got to use the following function: Private Sub LoadXLSFile() Dim xlApp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application...
  7. rvercesi

    Question net send

    CodeProject: Simple Send using Net Send. Free source code and programming help
  8. rvercesi

    Question Deselect All items in a Check List Box

    You could simply change your Sub to apply both scenarios as shown below: NOTES: CheckBox1 = Checkbox to Check/Uncheck All Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged Dim CheckListCount As Integer...
  9. rvercesi

    Question How to import Excel worksheet to DataGridView keeping cell colors

    Hi there I am developing a small app to help manage huge Excel worksheets. These worksheets have multiple cells colored within. I am loading the worksheets to a DataGridView as show below but I want to keep the cell colors. Any ideias on how to achieve this? Would help if I didn't have to cycle...