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  1. D

    Updating a datatable using a dataset update command not working....

    ...New OpenFileDialog() Dim sqlcb As SqlCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(da) Try filedb.Filter = "Excel Documents (*.xls;*.xlsx)|*.xls;*.xlsx|" & "All Files(*.*)|" filedb.FilterIndex = 1 filedb.InitialDirectory =...
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    Updating a datatable using a dataset update command not working....

    ...Dim strFileName = "" Dim filedb As New OpenFileDialog() Try filedb.Filter = "Excel Documents (*.xls;*.xlsx)|*.xls;*.xlsx|" & "All Files(*.*)|" filedb.FilterIndex = 1 If (filedb.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK) Then...
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    Updating a datatable using a dataset update command not working....

    Hi I am using sql server 2008, 4.5 2010 and excel for this project. I have created a dataset using a sqladapter as follows da.Fill(ds, "Cients") I then create an oleAdapter (for reading from excel) and do the same oleda.Fill (ds, "Clients") When I show on the datagridview I have the...
  4. D

    Question dataset update problem using data adapter

    I think I have it working now...The codes still a bit ropey, but will post it when I have a chance to clean it up. Regards
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    Question dataset update problem using data adapter

    ...Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized 'Populate Dataset with supporting tables first ! cmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM TblCounty", conn) da = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) conn.Open() da.Fill(ds, "TblCounty")...
  6. D

    Question dataset update problem using data adapter a datagridview see ,y code below Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click '***************** 'BEGIN SEND CHANGES TO SQL SERVER Dim objCommandBuilder As New SqlCommandBuilder(da) 'Assign new Values to row items...
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    record appending with datagridview

    Ok thanks again, just need to see a nice worked example
  8. D

    record appending with datagridview

    This is what I need to know how do I take the data the user enters into a new partial record in the datsgridview add a ClientID and store in datatable?
  9. D

    Dataset v Insert query

    Hi, Here I am again looking for information and advice using and datasets. Since I;ve been using dataset quite a bit now I feel I have become quite proficient with them and find them very easy, but I may be using them unnecessarily because I am now so familiar with I automatically add...
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    record appending with datagridview

    Hi, Thanks again, yes it does sound simple when you describe it like that. I suppose what I was concerned about was addressing a column that is hidden in the datgridview, but maybe being hidden has no effect other than not being seen! I can still set its default value! brilliant yet simple...
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    record appending with datagridview

    Thanks for thats, its excellent example code, which I will be using, my scenario is a little different. In my dataset i have the parent table that is just one record, the client and does not need to be saved back to the db. Then I have all the clients services (the child table) in the dataset...
  12. D

    record appending with datagridview

    Hi, I'm using 2010 with sql server 2008 express with to access the tables and store in a dataset. I have a master detail form with a datagridview. The datagridview allows users to add as many new rows to the grid as they like and I know how to then to commit the new rows back to...
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    Question Global Dataset versus local dataset

    Hi jm, There will only be one dataset covering the whole application. That's created at the beginning with all the smaller tables. Then only parts of the bigger tables such as Customers and Staff are added as required and updated and deleted when finished with. Referential Integrity is...
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    Question Global Dataset versus local dataset

    Hi thanks for your reply youve clearly more experience than I, but whats wrong with a global dataset of small tables. Its the repeated opening of a connection all the time that worries me... The supporting tables never change so never need updating.... What do you think?
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    Question Global Dataset versus local dataset

    Hi, I have a good understanding of dataset, datatables and dataadpaters and have used them for a few test programs in 2010 express and they seem to work OK. What I would like to ask is where to declare the dataset such that all the Forms in my Windows application can access the same...
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    Question combox on datgridview not matching column

    Here is my dataset update command that no longer updates because the Combobox is in the DGV, I think !! Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim cB As SqlCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(da)...
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    Question combox on datgridview not matching column

    ...Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connStr) Try 'Populate Combobox first ! cmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM TblCounty", conn) da = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) ds = New DataSet() da.Fill(ds, "TblCounty")...
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    Question combox on datgridview not matching column

    ...System.Data.SqlClient Module GlobalVariables 'Declare Global Variables & Constansts Public connStr As String = "...SQLEXPRESS;Database=*******;Trusted_Connection=yes;" End Module Public Class Form1 Dim cmd As SqlCommand Dim da As SqlDataAdapter Dim ds As DataSet Dim...
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    Question combox on datgridview not matching column

    Hi I have a Combobox on a dataviewgrid on a form. The DataGridView is tied to my customers table and shows the records alright and has a County column. The Combox is tied to my County Table and consists of an ID column and County column and is working well. But I can't get the combox to...