Search results for query: *

  1. JuggaloBrotha

    VS2008 Access the FontDialog's Controls collection

    Does anyone know how I can access the FontDialog's controls collection? I would like to disable the Font Style ListBox, set the Font Style's TextBox to readonly and disable the UnderLine and StrikeOut CheckBoxes.
  2. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved VS2008 Grouping in a GridView

    I currently have 2 queries in a database that are the DataSource (determined by user selecting one from a DropDown) which is working fine, but now the client is asking for a view (a query) that displays both sets of data together. I have the query made and it's working, but with the GridView...
  3. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved VS2008 Printing an Envelope, orientation problem

    ....DrawString(DestAddr, DeliverFnt, Brushes.Black, CSng(e.MarginBounds.Right / 2.0!) - CSng(AddrSize.Width / 2.0!), CSng(e.MarginBounds.Bottom * (2.0! / 3.0!)) - CSng(AddrSize.Height / 2.0!)) End Using End With e.HasMorePages = False End SubWhich is fine and...
  4. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved VS2008 Show buttons in a region

    I have a Rectangle (the class) that I'm using to define a region on a form and when the mouse enters that region it shows 2 buttons (which are on the form and within the bounds of the rectangle) and I would like the buttons to remain visible when the mouse is over either of the 2 buttons then...
  5. JuggaloBrotha

    Create icon file with multiple icons in it

    ...shareware program to create the icon file from the multiple bitmap images for me but I'm wondering if it's possible in .Net to create an icon file (*.ico) that contains multiple physical icons in it. Edit: What I'm trying to achieve is: I need 3 images in the 1 file, so when windows explorer...
  6. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Styling for vertical text

    I've got a webpage where the the text is supposed to be vertical (rotated 90 degrees) instead of horizontal:<style>input { font-size:.75em} th { font-size:.75em} table {table-layout: fixed} td { font-size:.75em} .rotate { -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); width...
  7. JuggaloBrotha


    I just want to mention that I like the new theme, though having vBulleton's logo in the top left corner kinda throws me off, is a new vbdotf logo in the process of being created? Also, when I click "My Profile" in the top right corner, I get a blank white page, no header, content or footer is...
  8. JuggaloBrotha

    Skin the tooltip's tooltip window

    Does anyone know if it's possible to skin the tooltip window so it looks like: Instead of the yellow box or the balloon like it does now?
  9. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Detect Windows Shutdown/Logoff

    I have an application that starts from Sub Main and I need to run a sub when the system is about to shut down, restart or logoff so it can save it's settings. I found some code on google:Imports Microsoft.Win32 Public Sub Main AddHandler SystemEvents.SessionEnding, AddressOf...
  10. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved TextBox Transparent

    Is it possible to make a TextBox transparent? I have a form that has a gradient background and I need the textbox to allow the user to type into and it shows the text and the blinking cursor carrot when it has focus, other than that it's totally transparent, like a label.
  11. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Panel with 2 vertical scroll bars?

    I don't think this is possible at all, but does anyone know a way to get 2 vertical scroll bars on a panel? Right now here's the code:<asp:Panel ID="panScroll" runat="server" ScrollBars="Both" Height="400"> <div> Content... </div> </asp:Panel>There's a GridView inside the panel and it's...
  12. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Messagebox from background thread but tied to UI

    Currently I have a background worker doing a bunch of stuff and if a condition is met, it throws up a MessageBox for the user to pick from an the background thread pauses like I need it to, however most of the time the Messagebox shows up behind the main form (which is on the primary app thread...
  13. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved detect 404 for file download

    I have a webapp where a datagridview is populated with records from a database and one of the columns is a download link to download the zip or exe file. We have the zip files on our server, but not the exe files as those are on another department's server. We have all of the file available for...
  14. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved GDI+, draw checkmark

    ...New Rectangle(0I, 0I, HW, HW)) End Using Dim pts(5I) As Point pts(0I) = New Point(0I, CInt(HW * (5I / 6I))) pts(1I) = New Point(CInt(HW * (1I / 3I)), CInt(HW * (3I / 4I))) pts(2I) = New Point(CInt(HW * (6I / 7I)), 4I)...
  15. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Javascript, click button

    I have a TextBox and a Button on the WebForm: <li> <label id="lblSrchID" class="full" for="txtSrchID">DOQQ Name Search:</label> <asp:TextBox ID="txtSrchID" runat="server" /> <asp:Button CssClass="btn med" ID="btnSrchID"...
  16. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved List all Access queries in a ComboBox

    I currently have a project where I'm to provide different views of the data from the tables and since it's an Access database I figured why not just make queries then list them in the ComboBox:Dim cnSchema As OleDbConnection = GetConnection(Me.ddlDatabase.SelectedValue) cnSchema.Open() Dim...
  17. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved ListBox OnMeasureItem

    ...> 0I Then Dim lines() As String = Me.GetItemText(Me.Items(e.Index)).Split(CChar(Environment.NewLine)) e.ItemHeight *= lines.Length End If End Sub End ClassI was thinking that e.ItemHeight would be the height of a single line of text (like normal) with the...
  18. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Click link run vb code

    I've got a webapp that displays data in a GrdiView and one of the columns I need to have a link displayed for the user to click on, which I've got just fine: <a href="#" runat="server"><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.FILENAME")%></a>but when this link is clicked I need it to run a...
  19. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Office 2010, x86 or x64?

    I'm running Win7 Ultimate x64 and I just downloaded Office 2010 and Visio 2010, since I'm able to run both x86 and x64 I decided to get both (I have an MSDN Subscription). However I know there's more support for x86 when it comes to Office products, but I'm curious if it'd be worth while to...
  20. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Write XML using XmlDocument

    I've reached a point where it's time to learn how to Read/Write XML files properly and I'm really confused to how we're supposed to do this. I've been reading up on using the XmlDocument, but all I'm finding is how to use it to read xml files. Right now I need to Write them, later I'll code...