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  1. Administrator

    Visual Studio 11 BETA available

    In addition to the recent news on Windows 8 Consumer Preview, Visual Studio's next major release is available to download (beta): Downloads | Microsoft Visual Studio
  2. Administrator

    Question This site

    Let's get back to coding. I'll handle what's allowed in the forum and not, my moderators know the rules, salute and move on.
  3. Administrator

    Web Standards Update - HTML5 Support for the Visual Studio 2010 Editor

    See Scott Hanselman's blog for the info and download: Announcing the Web Standards Update - HTML5 Support for the Visual Studio 2010 Editor - Scott Hanselman
  4. Administrator

    .NET 4 Framework update available

    VS 2010 SP1 includes it but if you are running .NET 4 on a server it needs to get updated. Download Details - Microsoft Download Center - Microsoft .NET Framework 4 KB2468871
  5. Administrator

    resolved thread?

    There's a time limit to it, nothing we can do, it's a vBulletin issue.
  6. Administrator

    Question WPF or Windows Forms ???

    It goes without saying that WPF has had a slow adoption rate for many reasons. How do you feel today (May 2011) about WPF vs. Windows Forms? If you were starting a new project would you go the WPF route? Or are you sticking to Windows Forms for now? Share your thoughts on WPF vs. Windows...
  7. Administrator

    Create new toolbar?

    Is this a homework assignment?
  8. Administrator


    I have the issue with IE9 losing formatting when pasting anything copied. I'm not sure why and I haven't found the answer on google yet. This started for me with IE9. Copy anything from IE9, paste into Notepad and the CR's are lost.
  9. Administrator


    If you use the quick edit you won't get it, click the "Go Advanced" when editing. It's simply BBCODE. Just wrap the VB code with [ XCODE=vb ] and then [ /XCODE ]. You can enter this info manually too once you learn it.
  10. Administrator


    Click the VB button, type vb and then place your code between the tags. I'm hoping to replace the normal # feature with this soon.
  11. Administrator

    New Syntax Highlighter installed to forum

    Hello VB.NET'ers: I installed a syntax highlighting system that will properly (hopefully) highlight your code and also include line numbers. If you look at the toolbar above this message editor you'll see a "vb" button on the far right. Click it and then enter "vb" (no quotes) to indicate...
  12. Administrator


    Public Sub TestingAgain() AlmostDoneTesting End Sub
  13. Administrator


    Public Sub SyntaxHighlight DoesThisWork() End Sub
  14. Administrator

    Color-coded code

    I don't think so. It's done my vBulletin and I'm not sure if there is an add-in for VB syntax. I'll check into it, it would also be nice if we could use line numbers like you see in other sites.
  15. Administrator

    Question Should AND and OR be deprecated or assume AndAlso and OrElse?

    Good info JohnH. I understand the backwards compatibility point of view, however, if I'm creating a new .NET 4 app today, I could probably be just fine with AND having the AndAlso functionality. As to coming from other languages and not being used to AndAlso / OrElse, well, we have to learn...
  16. Administrator

    Question Should AND and OR be deprecated or assume AndAlso and OrElse?

    I can't seem to ever find a reason to use "AND" or "OR" ever again. When would someone want to use this over "AndAlso" or "OrElse" comparisons? I realize backwards code but if I'm writing in .NET 4 for example, AND should automatically be AndAlso IMHO.
  17. Administrator

    C# and Windows Phone Forums now available

    Hello VB.NET'ers I'm happy to announce two new communities now available to you: Windows Phone 7 Developer Community C# Developer Community If you're interested in being a moderator on one of our new communities and you're an active participant here let me know. I can be reached at webmaster...
  18. Administrator

    from where i post the question ?

    View the forum that you want to post into and then you'll see the big button on the top left of the forum listing allowing you to create a new post.
  19. Administrator

    Tip Rev up your servers by changing the power plan

    Degraded overall performance on Windows Server 2008 R2
  20. Administrator

    ByVal is "gone"

    Good read! Thanks John.