Search results for query: *

  • Users: divjoy
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  1. D

    Question How to Produce 'Access Type' Reports?

    Hi I am using VS 2010 express and sql server 2008 r2. I am not sure which area to post this so if you want to move feel free to do so. I usually use ms access and have been moving to which I am enjoying. As far as i can see the only thing missing is a reports designer facility I am...
  2. D

    Disable Win Form Close button [X]

    Hi, I thought I had already posted this but could not find it. Is there some way to disable the Windows Form Close button [X], I have provided a separate button which closes the form and open's another and does all the connection closing and disposing. I am using MS Sql 2008 r2 and
  3. D

    Error Message

    Hi, I am getting this error message, I am using 2010 express with ms sql server 2008 r2 Can anyone advise whats going on please
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    Question Filtering a BindingSOurce and Datagridview by Date

    Hi, I am trying to filter a binding source by a date field in a datagridview (using 2010 and sql server 2008) Now my filter works for names no problem but not for dates ! Dates in the database are proper dates in the yyyy/mm/dd format ! Heres my code I followed an example on the web...
  5. D

    Question ADO code review

    ...AreaID If AreaID < 7 Then 'Only Local 'ServiceApproved' HHArea CLients cmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM VwClients WHERE AreaID = @AreaID AND ServiceApproved='TRUE' ", conn) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AreaID", AreaID)...
  6. D

    Setting multi controls on a form

    Hi, I am setting all the textbox controls on a form to read only. Then when the user clicks on a button I want to change all the textbox back to being editable! Heres my code but it doesnt work or produce any errors. There are 7 textboxes on my form. Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender...
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    Closing Form and exiting application

    Hi, I have a dilemma, I am writing a windows form app in 2010 visual basic, but here my dilemma I have a main switch board form that I want to close when the user I click's a button to open other forms. But on my main form I have an application exit button which handles the closing the...
  8. D

    Updating a datatable using a dataset update command not working....

    Hi I am using sql server 2008, 4.5 2010 and excel for this project. I have created a dataset using a sqladapter as follows da.Fill(ds, "Cients") I then create an oleAdapter (for reading from excel) and do the same oleda.Fill (ds, "Clients") When I show on the datagridview I have the...
  9. D

    Question dataset update problem using data adapter a datagridview see ,y code below Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click '***************** 'BEGIN SEND CHANGES TO SQL SERVER Dim objCommandBuilder As New SqlCommandBuilder(da) 'Assign new Values to row items...
  10. D

    Dataset v Insert query

    Hi, Here I am again looking for information and advice using and datasets. Since I;ve been using dataset quite a bit now I feel I have become quite proficient with them and find them very easy, but I may be using them unnecessarily because I am now so familiar with I automatically add...
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    record appending with datagridview

    Hi, I'm using 2010 with sql server 2008 express with to access the tables and store in a dataset. I have a master detail form with a datagridview. The datagridview allows users to add as many new rows to the grid as they like and I know how to then to commit the new rows back to...
  12. D

    Question Global Dataset versus local dataset

    Hi, I have a good understanding of dataset, datatables and dataadpaters and have used them for a few test programs in 2010 express and they seem to work OK. What I would like to ask is where to declare the dataset such that all the Forms in my Windows application can access the same...
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    Question combox on datgridview not matching column

    Hi I have a Combobox on a dataviewgrid on a form. The DataGridView is tied to my customers table and shows the records alright and has a County column. The Combox is tied to my County Table and consists of an ID column and County column and is working well. But I can't get the combox to...