Search results for query: *

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    Scale Image

    ...As Integer) As System.Drawing.Image Dim NewHeight As Integer = TargetHeight Dim NewWidth As Integer = NewHeight / OldImage.Height * OldImage.Width If NewWidth > TargetWidth Then NewWidth = TargetWidth NewHeight = NewWidth / OldImage.Width *...
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    Question Icon Preview

    thank you for your help...I tried to save the icon with the sggestions above...this method works and there is now a preview of the saved Icon, however it is extremely low there anything vb can do to save this in high res? InkedGFX
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    Question Icon Preview

    I save 1 image as an icon ...but when I ge to the folder where i saved it , there is no preview of the thumbnail...there is just a white box with the icon name ...if i open the icon the image is correct but how do I get vb to make a thumbnail preview for it when the icon is saved? InkedGFX
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    Question Raster Image Processor(RIP)

    I was thinking about writting a RIP program for color seperating and ripping images down for screen printing in VB.NET is it even possible? what I need to do is load an image - get each color in the image and seperate them - then halftone them and put them on there own window then be able to...
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    Question save 1 image as 3 different icons

    haha ...good catch ..and yes it should be.I will change it I have all the namespaces imported, but I always still call the full name out..not sure why Thanks InkedGFX
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    Question save 1 image as 3 different icons

    ...Dim sourceImage2 As Image = PictureBox3.Image Dim sourceImage3 As Image = PictureBox2.Image savedlg.Filter = "Save Icon (*.ico) |*.ico" savedlg.Title = "Save Icon As" If savedlg.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then Dim FilePath =...
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    Question save 1 image as 3 different icons

    this works howerver I need to save the source image 3 different times and the save dialog only saves it once. should I ue a for loop? InkedGFX
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    Question save 1 image as 3 different icons

    ...image = Picturebox4.image dim sourceimage2 as image = Picturebox3.image dim sourceimage3 as image = Picturebox2.image savedlg.filter = "Save Icon (*.ico) |*.ico" savedlg.title = "Save Icon As" if savedlg.showdialog() = dialogresult.ok then dim EXT =...
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    Question Add to fileName before the ".ico" extention

    I am creating a image to icon convertor and would like to add "32x32" before the extention . Im using a save dialog to save the converted file . is there a way to add "32x32" before the ".ico" extention in code? thank you InkedGFX
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    Question Resize image while mantaining the aspect rasio

    I want to constrain the proportions of an image while resizing. I have two radio buttons on my form , I want to be able to resize an image while constraining either from the width or height of the the user picks either constrain from the width or from the height....anyone know where to...
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    Question Font dialog Help Needed

    ok....I didnt think the if statement would show the already shown dialog...thanks for your help. InkedGFX
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    Question Font dialog Help Needed

    I am trying to add a font dialog to my program...but whenever the code is fired the font dialog appears twice...when I run the program and click the buttom the font dialog appears..when I choose the font and size then click ok the dialog dissappears then reappears again..below is the code: dim...
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    Question numeric up and down

    I need some help with adding "%" to a numeric up and down it possible to add this to the value of the control in code. example: if the value of the numeric up and down control is "25" then I need to add "%" the percent symbol to the end like this 25% is it possible? any help is...
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    Question TradeBit Intergration

    very cool....would you know how i would call this in code to get a button to search some criteria the user puts in a textbox? InkedGFX
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    Reusing the same code over and over

    yes...write a method for it.... public sub generateComboBox(byref Combo as Combobox) 'do work here...set all the properties here as well end sub InkedGFX
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    Question TradeBit Intergration

    I had an idea to write a program to search the TradeBit website with user defined search criteria.....I looked on the tradebit website for a developers page or a link to an api they might have ...I havent been able to find anything on the subject of developing for tradebit.....anyone have any...
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    Question Adding .Net Framework to Installshield

    I have a project that I am finished coding and would like to create a setup for other pc's can run the program even if they dont have vb installed on there machine...I go throught the steps to create the setup but get a warning that the net 3.5 framework isnt added to the setup....I know...
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    Question Multiline textBox Question

    I have a multiline textbo that I load a txt file into at runtime...but when i do this all the text in the texbox is to stop this from happening? here is the load code Private HelpFile As String = "path" then in the load event If IO.File.Exists(HelpFile) then txthelpView.Text =...
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    Question Need Help With dbo.Table.Sql

    I am new to database creation...and when I say new I mean 2 days into it new. I am writing a program to store customer info for a invoice program...kind of like a customer management question is when I add a new database then create a new table and create the fields then save the...