Search results for query: *

  1. I

    Question Correct Function ?

    I wrote a function to validate that the user has filled in some textbox's ...the function I wrote works , just wondering is this is the correct way to do this. Private Function ValidateText() As Boolean Dim isEmpty As Boolean = False If Me.txtFirstName.Text = "" Or...
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    FYI Just Installed SQL Express

    well, the actual install wasnt the difficult you said did take about 10 minutes for the actual install...the time consuming part was trying to figure out what I needed to install and creating a new database and connecting to it..... InkedGFX
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    Question Loop Thru Functions

    I'm seeing how massive the VB.NET namespace is , this is going to take awhile InkedGFX
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    FYI Just Installed SQL Express

    I just spent the last 2 hours getting SQL Server Express 2012 installed on my machine......the reason I did this is so I can (in the future) have my trivia game store the questions in a database......what a long process this was......everything is working ....finally.... wooohooooooo ! InkedGFX
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    Question Loop Thru Functions

    Haaaaaa! I think something clicked today...I finally think I understand the basic structure of OOP and classes in VB.NET I create a PUBLIC class that can be called anywhere in the program...but inside the class I dim private variables and functions and subs so those variables and subs or...
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    Question Loop Thru Functions

    Thank You Very much for your help...I couldn't have gotten this far with out it..... InkedGFX
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    Question Loop Thru Functions

    yes , that's exactly what I was doing....I thought about it for awhile and read the example you posted...I read it over and over until I thought to move the Sub to the form class.....which solved the issue and the program is working as Im not sure if I am doing this correctly or...
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    Question Loop Thru Functions

    Yes ..this does solve the tolist problem..... thank you InkedGFX
  9. I

    Question Loop Thru Functions

    it seems I am doing something wrong with the class QuizQuestions......whenever I add the Public sub CreateMyQuizQuestions() to the QuizQuestions class the code doesnt work , as I get an error saying the key was not found in the dictionary...but if I add the sub to the form and change the public...
  10. I

    Question Loop Thru Functions

    adding Imports System.Linq doesnt fix the "tolist" problem I put the questions in the QuizQuestions class with the catagories this where the questions and catagory enum needs to be? InkedGFX
  11. I

    Question Loop Thru Functions

    very cool...I appreciate the help....I will study this after work today.....with your help I will get my head around this.... InkedGFX
  12. I

    Question Loop Thru Functions

    I have been searching google all day today , trying to get more info on Dictionaries.....and List's ...can you believe there isnt one site that really explains how to create and use the List(Of...) object.....even Microsoft doesnt explain it very I supposed to create a class just...
  13. I

    Question Loop Thru Functions

    is there another namespace I should import other than the System.Collections.Generic to get the List to work? InkedGFX
  14. I

    Question Loop Thru Functions

    Socarsky... where did you find all those videos? I could really use a resource like that. InkedGFX
  15. I

    Question Loop Thru Functions

    thank you both for the links...I will keep at this until I get it.....I wont give going to read the info now :) InkedGFX
  16. I

    Question Loop Thru Functions always I appreciate you taking the time to help...but I think I need more help than anyone would be willing to give......I really have no business trying to maybe I will stick to much as I would like to learn this.....I think my only option would be to...
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    Question Loop Thru Functions

    thank you for taking the time to help me out with this, but I dont want to take any more of your time...this is over my head because I really have no Idea what Im doing with this....... InkedGFX
  18. I

    Question Loop Thru Functions

    the only thing you have in the QuizQuestion class is the three property values? I dont really understand where I should have different parts of code... I thought is was correct to create a class to hold all the subs and functions and then to call the subs or functions from the form lol..I...
  19. I

    Question Loop Thru Functions

    no problem...I appreciate the help..... heres the whole QuizQuestion Class Imports System.Collections.Generic Public Class QuizQuestion Public Property Question As String Public Property AvailableAnswers As New List(Of String) Public Property CorrectAnswer As Integer Public Enum...
  20. I

    Question Loop Thru Functions

    Public myQuestions As New Dictionary(Of TriviaCatagories, List(Of QuizQuestion)) this is what I have.... InkedGFX