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  • Users: robertb_NZ
  • Content: Threads
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  1. R

    Question How do I give focus to a form displayed in a split container

    I have a form with a splitcontainer. The left panel contains a Treeview: when a node of this is selected a form is displayed in the right panel. Here is typical code for one of the cases: - ElseIf Action = "NewCICS" Then Dim frm As New NewCICS frm.TopLevel =...
  2. R

    Controlling where text is dropped in a textbox textbox (called "txtScreen") with data and set its font to a fixed-pitch font (Consolas), so that it starts out looking like this: - 00....*....1....*....2....*....3....*....4....*....5....*....6....*....7....*....8...
  3. R

    RichTextBox with AutoComplete and DragAndDrop

    I'd like to add AutoComplete and DragAndDrop to a Richtextbox, but a RichTextBox lacks Autocomplete and AllowDrop properties. If I use a Textbox I loose the ability to use colours and fonts. Is there a third party Richtextbox control that I could use, or are there ways to add these properties...
  4. R

    RichTextBox: Getting Line Number following a Right Click

    I am trying to implement contextual Help for a RichTextBox, and I need to know the text that was right-clicked. I can find this out for a normal click using HelpLineNbr = RTB.GetLineFromCharIndex(RTB.SelectionStart) HelpLineStart = RTB.GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine() However...
  5. R

    Question How do I program something like Visual Studio's "New Item"

    In Visual Studio (I'm using 2010) when you click "Add Item" there is a dialog box with a list of available templates. The dialog box has three parts, with a tree view in the left column, a grid of available templates, and detail on the currently-selected template on the right. I need something...
  6. R

    RichTextBox: what event should I use?

    I have a richtextbox that can be edited, also the text may change as a result of my program. I have some logic that I want to trigger when the text has been changed by editing, but I don't want the logic for changes caused by my program. Currently I solve this problem with the following rather...
  7. R

    Creating an Editor - using VS

    I am planning to create an editor for a specialized language in VB. This will have a text editor for program logic: I would like this to look and behave as much like Visual Studio as possible, with Intellisense, keywords in color, and so on. I have been experimenting with a RichTextBox but this...
  8. R

    Question How to control a webcam in VB

    I use VS2008 with Visual Basic and VB.Net. I am writing an application to save videos from a webcam, and I've found several examples that provide the basic functionality so that I can start and stop the webcam, and save a video as a .avi file. However my interface is still clunky: when video...
  9. R

    Question How do I prevent the implied INSERT from executing from a databound Datagridview?

    I am a relative newbie with VB, having spend more time working with web pages using ASP.NET. I use VS2008. In my database I had defined a table called "Questions", and I have a windows program with a datagridview (named "gdvQuestions") that displays a single text field from this table...