Search results for query: *

  1. WellsCarrie

    For Each Loop

    Please go here... There is a whole section in the library with code examples on working with ranges in Excel. After you have tried some of these please repost with more code (and the error...
  2. WellsCarrie

    Making parts of form invisible

    Anothing thing you should know.... Any time you have a piece of c# code you'd like to reproduce in VB go here first. It does a fairly good conversion though it won't tell you if there are any additional refrences or imports you need to make. Only...
  3. WellsCarrie

    data type conversion....

    OK the problem was that reDetailData should have been executing OhioCmd5 not OhioCmd. thanks for the help!
  4. WellsCarrie

    data type conversion....

    Normally, I would agree. However, above is the whole of the code that pulls the container number though. In all other cases I've ever used the oracleDataReader it returns values as they are defined in the datbase. varchars = strings, floats = decimals, ints = ints and so on and so on. I even...
  5. WellsCarrie

    data type conversion....

    FIXED!!!!! the problem was that the reader was executing the wrong sqlstring. :p Ok if this question has been answered somewhere just tell me. :mad: I have a SQL statement that returns a container number as a string when run in SQLPlus but when run through the OracleDataReader it comes out...
  6. WellsCarrie

    problem with console app

    MOVE This line (email.BodyFormat = Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html ) before you set your body (email.Body = strHTML)... I know it sounds stupid but it so far has solved the problem for me. Additionaly, you need to make your "strHTML " a stringbuilder object instead of a string object. Dim strHTML...
  7. WellsCarrie

    Datagridd's Bound Event

    Try this inside your databind routine.... If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Then If e.Item.DataItem.Equals(System.DbNull.Value) OR _ e.Item.Cells(0).Text <> "" Then e.Item.ForeColor =...
  8. WellsCarrie

    Change, Is it to late

    :D It is never to late! I went from a speach therapist to a web applications developer at 25. Your move isn't near as drastic. My suggestion to you is that you get a student copy of the .Net 2.0 IDE Load it on a personal computer and write some small programs for yourself. This board and...
  9. WellsCarrie

    recreating a VB6 class in

    Yes! now why didn't I think of that?!?!?! Thank You!
  10. WellsCarrie

    recreating a VB6 class in

    Ok I think the reason I can't find the naswer to this on the web is because I'm not asking google the right question. So I'm going to ask here and hopefully someone can tell me where the answer is. :-) My task is to upgrade a VB6 program to Mainly because no one here knows what it is...
  11. WellsCarrie

    decimal separator - how to substitute a "," for a "." to allow correct SQL update?

    Try this.... Note that I am probably getting away with my solution because the regional settings change when we open the excel document sent by our French head...
  12. WellsCarrie

    decimal separator - how to substitute a "," for a "." to allow correct SQL update?

    UPDATE [excelsheetname$cell] SET F1 = cType(Replace(cType(data, String) ",", "."), proper data type) Where properdatatype is the nueric type the spreadsheet is expecting (long, integer, float, ect). Note in the interface I have the requires this type of replacement I also have to first take...
  13. WellsCarrie

    speeding up data access to an AS400 database...

    Last update for now. AS400 people are great to work with. Our guy here at Maybelline took a look not just at what logical files I was using (apprently I was using one at least :-)) but took a look at my SQL. There were several places where I was joining files in the way I'd do it for SQL...
  14. WellsCarrie

    speeding up data access to an AS400 database...

    THANK YOU! The AS400 guy is going to meet with me this afternoon. He said he was unaware that anyone was trying to query the AS400 the way I was. (He has a diffrent boss than me. Isn't cross team collaboration just great.) anyway, he refused to promise me anything but at least he's willing to...
  15. WellsCarrie

    speeding up data access to an AS400 database...

    Do you zip and send data back from the i5 using the zip? I'm only reading data these users don't have add/change access. Thanks!
  16. WellsCarrie

    speeding up data access to an AS400 database...

    If this is not the right place to ask this please let me know.... I have 4 web applications whose primary datasource is located on an AS400 machine. In production I am using Provider=MSDASQL.1 to connect to the data and first load an ADODB record set that is then transfered to a .net...
  17. WellsCarrie

    Practicability accessing data source informaiton

    ...<dbConnection> <id>0</id> <dataname>OHIOGEN</dataname> <database></database> <connString>*the connection string here*</connString> <type>oracle</type> </dbConnection> <dbConnection> <id>1</id> <dataname>ODC_OUT</dataname> <database>ODC_OUT</database>...
  18. WellsCarrie

    XML as Data Source...

    Stupidity runs wild... I am so stupid sometimes, I really wonder how I get anyting accomplished. Your request for Code found my problem. I had inadvertantly "DIM"ed a new dataset inside my UpdateXML function. So of course it used that empty ds to write to the XML file instead of the global ds...
  19. WellsCarrie

    XML as Data Source...

    answered! - (stubpid coding mistake) XML as Data Source... Does anybody know a good place to get informaiton on trouble shooting ADO with XML issues? I have several applications that will be using XML files as thier data sources. I can read the files into ADO datasets just fine but when I try...
  20. WellsCarrie

    Running "NET USE" Commands Inside VB.Net

    yes and non of the suggestions are working for me... I'm not getting anyt hing mapped and when I try to use the WMI I get memory refrence errors and have to reboot my dev box... :-(