Search results for query: *

  1. J

    Databind to a text box

    Thank you. That worked......Any good articles/videos your aware of to get more grips with data?
  2. J

    Databind to a text box

    Below is my code if i have anything wrong here Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection Dim connectionString As String = "server=server; database=testdb; integrated security=true; " Dim da As SqlDataAdapter Dim ds As New DataSet sqlConn = New SqlConnection(connectionString) da = New...
  3. J

    Databind to a text box

    I have a Textbox which i would like to bind to my database(Sql) which in turn runs a Stored Procedure. Ive tried to bind the one row that is returned using this code TextBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", DataSet1, "tableName.columnName") This doesnt work, so im lost as to where i should start...
  4. J

    Help with Code for Stored Procedure at fault or this code? When i run the Procedure in SQL studio i does return the output i require. Heres the code for my stored procedure USE [Testdb] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Test] AS SELECT * FROM Table Can anyone advise please? Thanks
  5. J

    Save application settings

    How would i save application settings i.e. location of window, general settings such as certain values aimed at the application i created etc? This is for a VB .Net 2008 app. Thanks
  6. J

    IS WPF another Windows Form?

    Ive been reading about what WPF is and how it differs to a normal Windows Form application. So far i understand that WPF is another Windows Form but with a bit more functionality with the User Interface and minor code changes here and there. Would you guys agree? if not please advise when and...
  7. J

    Display data in DGV

    ...code Dim conStr As String = "server=server; database=database; userid=bob; password=password;" Dim selectCmd As String = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS" Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(conStr) Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(selectCmd, conStr)...
  8. J

    Customizing installer

    I can customize the installer with our logo but it doesnt appear clear and it pixelated where as teh original is fine when viewed in a normal viewer. What are the dimensions for creating the image for installers? Is it possible to have an extra screen with the option to ask the user if they...
  9. J

    SaveFileDialog Name

    How could i show a SaveDialogBox with the name of the file that the user selected from the OpenFileDialog box (the purpose is to select a file then save it as another extension with the same name)? Thanks
  10. J

    Working within project directory

    What if your testing this at run time and this folder is not available in program files directory? how could i test it then?
  11. J

    Working within project directory

    I have Visual Studio 2008 installed. I create a project and within this project i create a directory called "images". 1. I would like to work with this directory in code by specifying the path. Currently the only way to do this is by pointing to "C:\Documents and Settings\jamie_pattison\My...
  12. J

    Access Denied to temp path and Vista.

    I have an application that creates a tempoarary directory in the logged on users temp folder (within their profile). This app runs without any issues on Win XP. When running this application on a Vista machine the end user will receive: "Access to the path 'C:\Users\Terry\AppData\Local\Temp'...
  13. J

    Create service

    Im using Visual Studio 2008 standard edition. Is it possible to create a windows service with this edition? If yes how do i start with it? Thanks
  14. J

    XML Tables

    A company has produced our data in XML format. Ive managed to extract the data from it, in code but since the data contains two tables i need to establish how to ensure the contents from the second table are in line with the data in the first table? An example to illustrate this Data from table...
  15. J

    Question Read file

    I have a streamreader reading a file. What i would like to do is for the streamreader to read the file to the end (so sr.readtoEnd) when it reaches the last line of the file i would like to retrieve that value. How could this be done? Thanks
  16. J

    Finding a character in a file

    Using a streamreader, im trying to find a character in a file. Ive got the basic code but not sure how i can go through the file to find this character. Could someone advise with some sample code? Many Thanks