Search results for query: *

  1. J

    Valid internet connection

    I agree with you, although my concern is if i put any code to check the int connection within the loop, performance is very poor. For example Initialise and setup httpwebrequest/response Do Copy File .... .... Create log ...... ........ Loop until FileToCopyBytes =0 Copy File complete Now...
  2. J

    Valid internet connection

    I have a loop which performs some operations. Ive noticed if the internet connection is broken the loop continues but the operation fails. The entire code is based on HttpRequest and Response. What i would like is a way to trap if a valid connection is not available INSIDE the loop without...
  3. J

    File download question

    I returned the headers for the HttpWebRequest, which came back with Authorisation: Basic XXXXXX and Host: So 1. Is this performing the same check? 2. If the answer to question 1 is yes then to me it seems the server doesnt support it. If the server doesnt support resuming...
  4. J

    File download question

    Thanks JohnH. I could do that but before i continue with this project i would like to see if i could test this before writing further code, as if the server doesnt support it i may just stop there?
  5. J

    File download question

    Using a HTTPWebRequest with a Stream i can download files. What do i need to know if resuming downloads from where they were interrupted is supported? Code wise i need to use AddRange and have that configured, however what is the priority order, i.e. If the server does not support resuming...
  6. J

    Download File

    I now have the code but it doesnt seem to download the entire file, only a few bytes. If i change the buffer value it downloads according to it? Thanks
  7. J

    Download File

    Yes.... that led me to the link Simple web File download in VB.NET and gave me the impression to use FileStream, although after your reply i then was under the impression im on the wrong lines? My reason for asking if i should use FileStream was in case there was another way to do the same task.
  8. J

    Download File

    But how do i download using httpWebRequest/Response?
  9. J

    Testing programmers skills

    Why dont you ask the employer for some feedback? What was the question(s) and your answer to them?
  10. J

    Download File

    I am using a HTTPWebRequest to check for a file. Originally if a file was found i took action i.e. sent an email. Now i would like it so if the file is found it downloads it. After reading some threads im a little confused with the approach i should take. 1. Should i use a fileStream to...
  11. J

    WPF going to die with Windows 8?

    I wonder what's everyones opinion on this article - its lengthy but in short it seems Microsoft are heading towards dumping WPF, silverlight in favour for HTML5, Javascript when Windows 8 is released. Whether this is an over reaction by individuals or not im not so sure. Why Microsoft has made...
  12. J

    Web Request/Response issue

    My code to date is Dim webRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest Dim webResponse As System.Net.HttpWebResponse SendPostRequesttoGoogle("") ' This includes the post data...
  13. J

    You must provide a request body...

    If System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK Then responseEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 responseStream = HttpWResponse.GetResponseStream() responseReader = New StreamReader(responseStream, responseEncoding)...
  14. J

    New command text returns data..

    Thanks for your explanation. Perhaps ive not fully understood this :-( I created another TA similar to Select col1,col2,col3 From Table Now i create another query under the same TA which is Select col1, col3 From Table (Thats no col2). But the same warning occurs - however im under the...
  15. J

    New command text returns data..

    I add a new dataset to my ASP .Net project. I create a TableAdapter with one query: Select col1, col2, col3 From MyTable I then create a second query: Select col1 WHERE col1=@Col1 From MyTable. I then get a warning "the new command text returns data with schema different from the schema of...
  16. J

    Dispatcher DLL

    I have some code that uses a WebRequest/Response. Since i need to check the thread is the same then perform the correct action i have to write code similar to (on the main application) If <control>.Dispatcher.CheckAccess Then DoSomething() Else...
  17. J

    Video training for Windows Phone 7 development

    For beginners Windows Phone 7 Development for Absolute Beginners | Channel 9
  18. J

    Invalid cross-thread access

    Thanks for that. That helped heaps. :-)
  19. J

    Invalid cross-thread access

    I have an application that i cant figure why im receiving the error: System.UnauthorizedAccessException was unhandled Message=Invalid cross-thread access. It seems the error kicks in when i try to load the items in the textbox, although if the code to load the items is elsewhere i receive a...
  20. J

    Connect to RSS

    How could i connect to a RSS feed with Windows Phone 7? What classes would be best suited to connect and retrieve data? Thanks