Search results for query: *

  1. F

    Focus on one programming language? Any recommendations or advice?

    Thanks jmcilhinney, i think that's what i'll do. What do you think about C#? I already know some basic c++, of course it wouldn't hurt, but do you think it would be worth it to practice and read up on programming with its predecessor C as well? I read that it could be more efficient than C++...
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    how to move a listbox item if you have 5 listboxes

    What exactly are you having trouble with? if you want to move items between listboxes i think you can just use the remove, removeAt, add, or insert functions of the items. lstBox1.items.add(obj) lstBox1.items.removeAt(indexNumber) 'lstBox1.items.'...and so forth... I don't think there is a...
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    Focus on one programming language? Any recommendations or advice?

    Hi all, I've been programming for about 1-3years and i really love it. i've played around with html,, flash and what not since i was like 15, but nothing serious. I took intro courses to vb, c++, and java. And everything else i'm self-taught. I have the most knowledge in and mainly...
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    Populate Textbox with data

    I dont use mySQL to often, just some comments as i looked through your code. Maybe it might be of some help? I've used SQL and from what i remember you only put the ' ' marks around what is suppose to be of a string value. like in sql a select statement would be SELECT columnName FROM...
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    Question How to update data in a text box on form 1 from a textbox on another form?

    Thanks jmcilhinney, I did a little playing with it and i think i got it. So basically in the situation with the code above replacing the overloads with "Shadows" would make no difference because thats what the overloads is doing here.
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    Question How to update data in a text box on form 1 from a textbox on another form?

    Hey jmcilhinney, i see what your saying, it def is not the best approach. I understand how you cant overload a function by only having different return types and all but the code i wrote above does work, originally i tried to override it, but showdialog is not overridable. I tested the code...
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    Question How to update data in a text box on form 1 from a textbox on another form?

    i agree with jmcilhinney, but if for some reason you cant use the datetimepickers control, heres another suggestion, you can try overloading the showdialog function of a form in order to pass the date from one form to another. for example The form that opens the dialog box Public Class Form1...
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    Window form that reads multiple XML

    wow, thanks JohnH, talk about me reinventing the wheel, i hate when i do that, i wish i know about that function earlier.
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    Window form that reads multiple XML

    Here is some sample code i wrote, hope this helps. Imports System.IO Imports System.Xml 'I didnt take the time to write this, but i did test it and it works. Please let me know if this helps. All i have on the form is just two listboxes. The 'content in the xml files and the results this...
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    Window form that reads multiple XML

    you can try something like this? Imports System.IO Dim dir As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo("C:\XMLFiles") Dim files() As FileInfo = dir.GetFiles() 'go through all files found, besure to only read xml files For element As...
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    Beginner - How to find and type i, 2 times in a table

    One way you can do it is to create another loop and go through all your times and count how many times the max time repeats after you found your max time. Then simply just report that count with the max number like "2 people won 1st place" so after this line of code max = times(1)...
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    Question Form main and form settings - help

    Regarding your "Also, the settings form is asking the closing question two times " The reason why the closing message happens twice is because the Exit() calls the closing event, so if you rewrote that part like the following it will only ask you once. If (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure...
  13. F

    Question How to link two forms in VB??

    You can try putting the subroutines in a module, or if you create a new instance of that form and then use the methods it should work. Otherwise you can make it "Shared" Some Examples: creating a new instance Public Class frmOld Sub doSomething() MessageBox.Show("Wee") End Sub...
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    Question having problems in codeing a spell-checker

    ...of the panel to show up on the left of it, and so forth. Dim xLoc As Integer = (offset.X + location.X + Panel2.Width + (find.Length * RichTextBox1.Font.SizeInPoints)) Dim yLoc As Integer = (offset.Y + location.Y + RichTextBox1.Font.Height + Panel2.Height)...
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    Question wizard in form

    ...on the total characters in the question lblQuestion.SetBounds(0, 0, pnQuestions.Width - 4, CInt(Math.Ceiling(qnaInfo.question.Length / 75) * 14)) pnQuestions.Controls.Add(lblQuestion) 'adds each choice Dim yLocation As Integer = lblQuestion.Height + 16...
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    Need help with an assignment for a dorm and meal calculator

    Hey im not sure if this is your issue but it looks like your calling a variable from MainForm1 from your other form. If you change the scope of that variable to public and class-level it should work fine. Public Class MainForm1 Public dormResults As Integer Private Sub...
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    Question Passing Parameters to a Stored Procedure, getting results, but incorrect usage? :/

    Thanks for the fast reply jmcilhinney and clearing things up for me. I added the parameters to the SQL after reading what you said. It was working before but i guess access was just making assumptions? which is why the typeName parameter had to be first rather than what i had specified since i...
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    Question Passing Parameters to a Stored Procedure, getting results, but incorrect usage? :/

    Hi all, I consider myself to be a beginner to intermediate programmer, i'm pretty new to working with an access file through vb. This is of low priority since i am getting the results that i want, but i just don't understand why it's working this way. :confused: Any explanation would be much...