Search results for query: *

  1. jmcilhinney

    Question How to call API? Where can i find sample codes?

    Please provide a FULL and CLEAR explanation of the problem. Are you talking about calling Windows API functions or invoking a Web API or something else? If the former, is it a specific function you want to call or are you just looking for general information on the principles involved? If you...
  2. jmcilhinney

    Question imports dll

    You should read this. It's a blog post of mine that explains referencing assemblies and importing namespaces.
  3. jmcilhinney

    Question imports dll

    I have no idea what that means. Please explain EXACTLY what you did and EXACTLY what happened when you did it. Also, where exactly did this library come from and how was it created? .NET applications can reference .NET assemblies and COM libraries only. If this library exports functions...
  4. jmcilhinney

    Question Parameter in RDLC report

    I have fixed your code formatting. The INLINE CODE tag is for inline code. Use the CODE tag for blocks of code.
  5. jmcilhinney

    Resolved problem

    You said in post #1 that nm was "5.2356" and that w was 5000 but the screenshot you provided shows that nm is "5.000" and doesn't show any value for w. It doesn't show a value for i either, so we can only guess which item/element of rijrecords is being set on the current iteration, but it looks...
  6. jmcilhinney

    Resolved problem

    As for the issue, your current culture could change how the comma is interpreted but I don't see how that code could produce 5000 either way. Can you please provide a screenshot showing that code with a breakpoint immediately after and the contents of the Autos or Locals window?
  7. jmcilhinney

    Resolved problem

    Firstly, please provide a descriptive title for all threads. Your title is as good as no title at all. Secondly, please don't post unformatted code snippets, as they are unnecessarily hard to read. This one's not a big deal but others may be worse, so just always format them to help us help you.
  8. jmcilhinney

    Question ExcuteReader Error

    I specifically asked you to format your code snippets and you have failed to do so again. If you're not going to help us help you, you make it less likely that we will help you. Also, you just posted all the same code as before but with a few comments. Some more detail is good but you still...
  9. jmcilhinney

    Question ExcuteReader Error

    I don't know. I need more information in order to be able to help you. That's why I asked you a question. Are you going to answer it? Have you actually debugged your code? If not, do so now, and do so before posting in future. Step through the code and find out exactly where the exception is...
  10. jmcilhinney

    Question ExcuteReader Error

    By the way, your Finally block is pointless because you are creating the connection with a Using statement, so it will be implicitly closed at the end of the block. Also, you don't have to nest multiple Using blocks like that. A single Using statement can create multiple objects. You just need...
  11. jmcilhinney

    Question ExcuteReader Error

    Are you sure that it's that code that throws the exception? You're not calling ExecuteReader there and I don't see any code that would display a message box, so I suspect it's actually happening elsewhere.
  12. jmcilhinney

    Question ExcuteReader Error

    Please be sure to format code snippets. Unformatted code is too hard to read.
  13. jmcilhinney

    Question monitor text as it is input in textbox

    Mistakes are fine - we all make them - as long as we learn from them. As someone who has undoubtedly been stupid in the past, I say "all's well that ends well".
  14. jmcilhinney

    Question monitor text as it is input in textbox

    What type of project did you create in the first place, i.e. which project template did you select? If you right-click the project in the Solution Explorer and click the Add menu item, is Windows Form one of the items you can add? Yet again, what happens of you double-click the TextBox in the...
  15. jmcilhinney

    Question monitor text as it is input in textbox

    At the other site, someone first assumed that you were using WPF, which was obviously incorrect because you mentioned a property that wouldn't exist if you were. I assumed that you were using Windows Forms, but you never actually confirmed that, which was good of you. Can you confirm now whether...
  16. jmcilhinney

    Question monitor text as it is input in textbox

    Thread moved to Windows Forms forum, which is more appropriate for the subject matter.
  17. jmcilhinney

    Question monitor text as it is input in textbox

    As I have said elsewhere (after you had already made this post), you need to handle the TextChanged event of the TextBox. You can generate the handler by simply double-clicking the control in the designer, as you likely would have done to generate the Click event handler for that Button.
  18. jmcilhinney

    2nd page not populate

    There's far too much code there - it's certainly not all relevant to the issue, especially the method that is commented out - and far too little explanation of the problem.
  19. jmcilhinney

    changing colors in codetext

    Honestly, this is not really something that should need to be explained. Any time you start using new software, one of the first things you should be doing is opening the Options/Settings/Preferences dialogue and having a good look through to see what's available. That will enable you to find...
  20. jmcilhinney

    keypress when the form is hidden/ minimize?

    If you were going to build a String that way though, use string interpolation for improved readability: cmd.CommandText = $"INSERT INTO info (jam, tanggal, computer) VALUES ('{Date.Now:HH:mm:ss}','{Date.Now:yyyy-MM-dd}','{lcom.Text}')"