Search results for query: *

  1. cjohnson

    large integers

    ...if anyone has or has seen any large integer arithmetic classes out there. I have been reading about using a container like a list to store a number using large base and algorithms to calc +,-,*,/,mod, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if there is something good out there. Thanks, Chris
  2. cjohnson

    Creating pdf's

    I need to be able to create pdf's from Word or Excel sheets, and possibly other applications. I have seen pdf files in the Resources, but have no idea how to use them. Can anyone point me to a reference on this or tell me how to get started? Thanks very much, Chris
  3. cjohnson

    Threading Questions

    Well, I must admit that I am not a seasoned programmer, and I am fairly new to background workers. I began using them a few months ago. I had tried to use threading, but at least in 2005, if you try use a delegate while multi-threading, it throws an error. The background worker is...
  4. cjohnson

    pull the html code of a website

    Thanks very much. The Innertext was blank, but the InnerHtml has what I was looking for. The Here is what I have: If (WebBrowser.Document IsNot Nothing) Then For Each Anchor As HtmlElement In WebBrowser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("script") If...
  5. cjohnson

    pull the html code of a website

    Thanks again. You have been a huge help. I have one other question. This is what I am trying to do. I have the following code in the webpage: <script type=text/javascript> function viewerIsLoggedIn() { return False; } </script> I would like to change the False to true. Here is the...
  6. cjohnson

    Threading Questions

    Here is a sample application in VB 2005. This is all code for the form called main. The form only has one object - a progressbar called ProgressBar. I have only added a few notes to the codes, so I hope you can follow. If you have any questions, please let me know. After the code for the...
  7. cjohnson

    pull the html code of a website

    Thank you very much for the quick reply. I am trying this now. I have the webpage in the WebBrowser, but when I try to do anything with the Document property, I get an error - No instance the object. Can you tell me how to edit the html here? Thanks again, Chris
  8. cjohnson

    Threading Questions

    Using a background worker is the easiest way to do this. The background worker has hooks for process-canceled, process-ended, and process-update (i.e. for a progress bar). The background worker takes a little getting used to, but I can send you sample code to show you how it works if you like...
  9. cjohnson

    pull the html code of a website

    I need to write a program that can pull the html code of a website, make a change (i.e. username/password) and resubmit and get the site returned. I can get the html, but can anyone tell me how to resubmit the edited code and get the resulting page? Thanks, Chris
  10. cjohnson

    Open Webpage with Password

    I have been using the following code to open a webpage - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(URL) Can anyone tell me how to open a webpage that requires a username/password?
  11. cjohnson

    Access Web

    I have a little familiarity with WebClient and WebRequest. Can anyone tell me how I can use googles search from within my programs? or any resources for this? Thanks
  12. cjohnson

    Registry entries - Windows Vista

    Here is what I am trying to do. Public Sub CreateSubKey(ByVal RegName As String, ByVal MenuName As String, ByVal EXEName As String) Dim regmenu As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = My.Computer.Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(RegName & "\\shell\\" & MenuName) regmenu.SetValue("", MenuName) Dim...
  13. cjohnson

    Registry entries - Windows Vista

    I have a program that adds to the right-click menus by an entry in the registry. I just bought a new computer with Vista, and it doesn't work anymore. Even though I am the adminstrator, it won't let my program add an entry to the registry. Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this?
  14. cjohnson

    Play video file

    Hi Everyone, I need to be able to play a video file from a program. I just need to call the mpeg and have it play in the computer's default player. Can you tell me how to do this? Thanks, Chris
  15. cjohnson

    Key Logging, How To's

    I have tried this too, with limited success. You can remove the taskbar with this: 'Remove Taskbar Dim intReturn As Integer = FindWindow("Shell_traywnd", "") SetWindowPos(intReturn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW) Just remember to return with this: 'Return Taskbar Dim intReturn As...
  16. cjohnson

    Key Logging, How To's

    I did this once writing a financial calculator. Here is what I did. 'Handles all keystrokes. Private Sub Window_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Window.KeyDown Dim Str As String = CatchKey(e.KeyCode) End Sub 'Focuses all keystrokes to...
  17. cjohnson

    Replace icons

    If you mean you want your program to have a custom icon, that is easy. You open you project, double-click My Project, Choose Application on the left, click on Icon, and then click browse. You will have to select a .ico file for the icon. I have also found a free program to create these by...
  18. cjohnson

    Picture box add image

    Hello, I have done this two ways shown below to use the picture logo.jpg. The first is what I use now, and it does not tie up the image. If you use the second, then later you want to replace the image, you will get an error. PictureBox.Image = Image.FromStream(New...
  19. cjohnson

    Getting information from the web

    Hi everyone, I am trying to learn to access information from the web. What I want to do is be able to pull financial numbers, or do a google search. Can anyone tell me how to do this or point me in the right direction? Thanks, Chris
  20. cjohnson

    MSSQL Database opposed to MS Access

    Thanks very much. The links were a big help. I personally prefer Access, and think I will stick with that as long as possible. The express version eliminates the benefits of moving from Access - such as simulataneous users. Thanks, Chris
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