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  • Users: groadsvb
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  1. G

    Question Timeout accessing my self hosted WCF SSL service.

    I hope that I get all the steps correct to explain what I did. In summary I created my on certificates to develop and test a self hosted WCF using SSL. 1) i create the CA 2) I moved that CA to the Certificates Trusted Root Authority 3) I created a self signed certificate from the CA i created 4)...
  2. G

    Question From Where is Request Object Instantiated in web service?

    I hope I an ask this in a way that makes since. I am looking at one of our web applications and I can put a break point in the controller method that handles the request. The class is passed a requestModel object. If I put a break point in the constructor of the request object it does break but...
  3. G

    Question Why do I get 403.16 errror on http request?

    I have a legacy system that is not capable of making the HTTP request over SSL so we wrote an intermediate web service to receive the original HTTP request and then the new webservice makes an HTTP request with the certificate to the other end. I receive the legacy string which is a soap packet...
  4. G

    Question UI component class with no designer or resx

    While working on a problem I came across a component (compA) that was added to the project and that component inherited from another component. In the component (compA) that the programmer created there was no designer or resx. Why would you remove those files when creating a component? Thanks.
  5. G

    Question Some times my title bar does not display contents or the buttons

    I have a form that displays information about a call. There are lots of controls on the form that displays the call information. Sometimes when a user launches a call form the Title bar does not display. What is acutally behind that call form is in the title bar, so when I move the form that...
  6. G

    Question TCP socket.BeginReceive error?

    I am trying to write a TCP server application that I can use to test a tcp client. Receiving the connection works but the code to begin receive fails with the error below. All the examples that I found pass a byte array in just like this. {"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Byte[]' to type...
  7. G

    Question Why will ActionLink not take a variable piece of data for id?

    I am learning MVC and am using presently. I am trying to put a variable piece of data as the id of request to my controller with the ActionLink Helper but visual studio is preventing me from doing so. I thought the @curItem.scoutID was an expression, but the error I get when I hover over...
  8. G

    Question Custom Appconfig does not load.

    I have some custom configs in my appconfig file but I get an error when I try loading int with the configurationManager getsection method. This is the message "Unrecognized element 'MiscFields'." loading the setting: _zollPcrSetting =...
  9. G

    Question Why do control have different behavior in modal forms vs non modal?

    I have a form and in one set of code it is call as modal and in another set of code it is called non modal. There is a control on the form that presents a dropdown box. We provide a datasource to the dropdown which is a list. When we get the all the data elements from the database if there is...
  10. G

    Question What does {0,-30} do in string formatting?

    I have been reading walls of text to try to find out what the -30 is in this format that I got off the internet. It works but I really want to understand what I am doing. the format string is {0,-30}{1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}. Can someone tell me what the -30 does? Also if you have a link to a site...
  11. G

    Error reading decrypted stream using AesCryptoServiceProvider

    The code below was taken from msdn site. The Encryption code that I am using seems to work at this time but the decryption does not. I get an error on the line srDecrypt.ReadToEnd(). I get the error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name:inputbuffer". I have walked it the that line and I am not...
  12. G

    NVARCHAR(10) TO VARCHAR(15) in result set

    I have a request to provide a select statement to a business partner that will execute the select statement several times a day. The definition of several of the fields from the partner is VARCHAR(??). We store all of our fields in NVARCHAR(??) because of localization. Do I need to convert...
  13. G

    Does the software company I work for function like most others?

    First of all I consider myself lucky to have my job but I would like others opinion on my topic related to the company I work for. Our company as any is driven on sales but the cycle of work seems a little miscalculated and it has not changed in 20 years. The sales department will set delivery...
  14. G

    Question Service Cannot load app.config on windows server 2003

    I have a service that works fine on my windows 7 system where I develop. I loaded the service onto the Windows Sever 2003 where it needs to run but I get the following error: Service cannot be started. System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: An error occurred creating the...
  15. G

    Question How do I put property values of a class into a byte array?

    I have a class that contains some properties that need to be sent to a server application that is using tcp/ip. Our tcpClient Class needs the data as a byte array. How can I take each property and put them into a continuous array of bytes to be sent to the server app? Below is an example of...
  16. G

    Question Why do I get SSL error from web service but not from desk top web app.

    I have a client service that makes http requests to a web service that gets and error. I have a test application that runs the same http request but not as a service from the same machine. The test application works but the service gives me the following error. Anyone know why this would...
  17. G

    visual studio2012 path of .vb file is incorrect.

    I am having a problem with visual studio looking at the wrong file. If you look at the image you will see I have opened the project in the patch of Sprint14 but the fullpath of the file in the properties windows shows the path of sprint10. I have no idea how this happened and it is causing...
  18. G

    Question I need help understanding the xsl transformation process of xml.

    ...version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:template match="/"> Now on the root </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="*|/"> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="text()|@*"> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="//stuff"> got my stuff </xsl:template>...
  19. G

    xmlCompiledtransform does not work.

    I am very new to xls and xml transformation so please excuse some ignorance. I have created a simplified example of my problem which the xmlCompiledTransform also has problems with. Below is the xml document and xsl document. The xmlcompiletransform does not return any html. The saxon...
  20. G

    Question How do I put data into an an HTML form that I am generating from xml with an xslt?

    Our application now uses the google Chromium object to display a messages of different varieties which get converted into HTML by an xslt prior to display. I have never had to do this before and I am trying to figure out how my data gets into my HTML form that gets displayed. So I will have to...