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  • Users: Pleh
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  1. P

    VB.Net Desktop

    I think your right, I tried doing a manual double buffer and it works better now, also i used the PaintDesktop API to draw the background image instead of just setting the form background image, and now it runs alot smoother too.
  2. P

    VB.Net Desktop

    I just tried that code sample and it flickers worse than without it :s am i missing something? I need to be able to draw an image over another image and be able to drag it around without flickering. Also when its not in design mode i need to be able to keep redrawing to a minimum because its...
  3. P

    VB.Net Desktop

    I think ive got it, this seemed to work for the desktop control... Public Class Desktop Protected Overloads Overrides ReadOnly Property CreateParams() As System.Windows.Forms.CreateParams Get Dim cp As CreateParams = MyBase.CreateParams cp.ExStyle = WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW Return cp End Get End...
  4. P

    VB.Net Desktop

    Good thinking, double buffering will help reduce flicker when im dragging, i think i will try that approach. Anyone know how to make a window allways stay at the bottom without using the NOACTIVATE message?
  5. P

    VB.Net Desktop

    I was thinking of putting this thread in Drawing but as its a bit vague i put it here instead, i hope thats ok :) I am writing a shell replacement in VB.Net and i would like to have an extremely customisable desktop. I guess im just after some advice on what would be the best approach... Im...
  6. P

    What is uses of "Default" & "Tag" in

    Tag is basicly a place that you can store any information about the object you like. the default property is what will be used if you just put a open bracket after the object for example... Listview1(0).text = "test" is the same as... Listview1.Items(0).text = "test" because Items is the...
  7. P

    Control other application

    if your using you have to change long to integer, and sometimes to intptr if its a handle... Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Intptr Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32"...
  8. P

    Control other application

    Most setup programs let you specify "Silent" installs which you can predefine all the options. In case yours doesnt you will need to look up how to get a window handle and send that window a message, all the buttons and checkboxed are also classed as windows and have handles too. so you will...
  9. P

    Looping using a lable and a timer

    Private Sub tmrDown_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrDown.Tick If lblVBnet.Top + lblVBnet.Height <= Me.Height Then lblVBnet.Top = Me.Height Else lblVBnet.Top = lblVBnet.Top + lblVBnet.Height * 1 / 4 End If End Sub
  10. P

    Deployment problem -> "Not a valid Win CW application"

    If the second file runs you must have the framework installed :)
  11. P


    Surely you want to create a new instance of your imform when you recieve a message from a new contact? has the Toc message event arguments got a unique id of some sort to help you determine the current conversation? try putting Imform.Show() in your OnMessage handler
  12. P

    flash form templates that work well with forms ?

    I reccoment NeoSwif, they have a free demo and it can produce results like this...
  13. P


    Where did you find that piece of code? did it come with a dll that you have to add as a reference? I suggest using something like this to map your drive, then you dont need to worry about missing references.
  14. P

    Class1.vb into textbox

    Do you want this to happen at runtime from a compiled application or do you want to just load a .vb file into a text box?
  15. P

    Date Applications

    ...1, 0)) <--- this covers your additional month if the startdate is in the first half of the month TotalMonths += ((StartDate.Year - TempDate.Year) * 12 + (StartDate.Month - TempDate.Month) + IIf(TempDate.Day < 16, 1, 0)) / 2 'Add the full time service months TotalMonths += (EndDate.Year -...
  16. P

    Multithreading Help

    multi threadding can be dangerous in the wrong hands. so be careful and make sure everything is thread safe. try that link it explains all the basics. Let me know if you have any problems following it or if you get any strange errors you...
  17. P

    need urgent help with dyanamic column creation!!!

    you set the datasource of your datagrid to your populated datatable and it will handle the columns for you
  18. P

    Connection Checker - how?

    what do you mean when you say connection? would a simple ping be sufficient? or would you need to know if the website actually returns a page?
  19. P

    Login to website programically

    Ok, it looks to me like the __VIEWSTATE input is a session key that is probably going to be different every time so to login successfully you will need to pass this session key along with all the other input fields on the form. This can still all be automated without simulating clicks, to do...
  20. P

    Deployment problem -> "Not a valid Win CW application"

    You have to have the .net compact framework installed on your phone to run applications made in .net :)