Search results for query: *

  1. M

    Web User Control

    Note that you should access this property in the PreRender event, not Load event because the textbox value will not be processed until after the Load event completes, the post-data is processed, then prerender fires.
  2. M

    Text box exacty length

    you could set an input mask, like ************* . that should do the trick... you could also use code. for example, on the textbox1_changed event, check the length and if it's too short popup a messagebox
  3. M

    problem opening pdf files from aspx pages

    Javascript runs on the client, not the server. so when the javascript runs to open the pdf file, the window will be looking for the file on the users local system, not the pdf on the server. Instead, Handtek needs to be a URL that points to the PDF on the server. so for example, if your web...
  4. M

    Problems with XML

    after you get the new_path node, navigate to the parent... dim parent_node as system.xml.xmlelement = new_path.parentNode then select the optionsid node from there dim optionsid_node as system.xml.xmlelement = parent_node.selectSingleNode("optionsid") then pull the innertext out dim...
  5. M

    Accessing a Web File

    check out the 'Credentials' property on the webrequest object:
  6. M

    A simple message

    I ran across an example of how to loop through windows using a win32 api call from a C# application. They even posted the sample code in full, so I was thinking you could reapply that into a windows app which launches on startup, uses a timer and every second or so uses this code to loop through...
  7. M

    process file handles

    I don't know if this will help, but maybe someone with more time than me can use this: I found the windows 32 api reference in MSDN: If there's a way to do this, I think it will be in...
  8. M

    Help!!!, need information today (phonetic time)

    another option: just need to complete the translateNumber function and add your special messages in at the correct spots, like the example message I provided: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick...
  9. M

    Update Excel Spreadsheet

    a code sample would help... are you using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel libraries? You might be turning off application.screenupdating, if so turn it back on when done? also you can try application.doevents
  10. M

    link excel to

    I don't think it's possible to render an Excel chart inside of a web page. You should investigate charting tools, like If your charts are simple (like bar graphs) you could probably write your own rendering functionality easily using html tables and/or div/spans. Also, Excel...
  11. M

    A simple message

    there are 2 ways off the top of my head that you could accomplish this: a Browser Helper Object like you mentioned, or a window-watcher type application. You could buy one of these apps and configure it to alert a message whenever IE opens... I have used a program called Automate, a very good...
  12. M

    process file handles

    I did a little research on this for my own project and haven't had much luck... the closest thing I found was to simply create a filestream object and to try to open the file with read / lock and if it fails catch the exception. Other things could cause a failure, like privilege access problems...
  13. M

    Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    in your basVehicles module, you need to create the instance of the dataset there... so your code should read: dim ds as DataSet Set ds = basVehicles.getVehicles then in your basVehicles module, it should read: '... property declaration and previous code... Get if isnothing(mVehicles) then...
  14. M

    HELP!! syntax error in INSERT INTO statement

    ...about SQL syntax, and it typically does not match most 'standard' SQL. Also remember that when using wildcards you have to use the % instead of *. That shouldn't affect you here, but I haven't seen the rest of your code, so it's not clear. Finally, you should try to avoid to concatenate...
  15. M

    Add attribute from external javascript file

    In the ItemDataBound Event, change that to: imgDelete.Attributes.Add("onClick", "return ConfirmDelete()") and make sure ConfirmDelete() returns false. Returning false will stop the postback from happening and it has to be returned from the OnClick of the button
  16. M

    Help! text field values lost before updating the database

    try moving your code into Page_PreRender instead of Page_Load. When Page_Load runs the client-side form data has not been processed yet so the values of your textboxes will be blank until after Page_Load is complete.
  17. M

    forms Authentication

    In your web.config add each page that you want anonymous access to following the convention below (these are in the root configuration element): <!-- this file does not require authentication --> <location path="GDSCounter.aspx"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow users="?" />...
  18. M

    QUERY: JavaScript vs. ASP.NET Web/Server Controls

    The problem you will encounter is that the ID's will change based on the page hierarchy. One technique to keep your javascript working is to not put any names in your javascript. Use a variable name in you JS and then when ASP.NET writes controls that you want to access w/JS, register a script...
  19. M

    Problem transfering Large Files using Web Service He also has links to a similar approach for .NET 1.1
  20. M

    Retrieving Remote File

    You should be able to do this: Dim xmlDoc as new System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlDoc.Load("http://...") xmlDoc.Save("C:\...")