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  • Users: J Trahair
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  1. J Trahair

    Speed of upload of a file to an ftp area - why slower than a manual upload?

    Hi all. I have a general query regarding uploading a file from within a program to an ftp area. On my computer, in a project I am developing, any file is uploaded quickly to a private ftp area to which the program has access. One of my customers has the same application and tried...
  2. J Trahair

    MySQL on-line not connecting to one user

    ...= New MySqlConnection(mstrSQLConnectionString) objConnFST.Open() '<<<<<<<<<<fails here. mstrSQL = "SELECT * FROM ExpiryDate " mstrSQL = mstrSQL & "WHERE RecNo = 1" mstrSQL = AddFSTCustomerIDAndEncryptStringData(mstrSQL) Dim...
  3. J Trahair

    Getting through the anti-virus or firewall to connect to on-line database

    Hi I have a VB.Net application which runs on the local machine and connects to an on-line MySQL database. What do I have to do to get the customer's computer to allow the program through the firewall (if that's the right expression) so it connects to the database? This customer uses Windows...
  4. J Trahair

    How to stop Windows 10 from enlarging pre-sized forms

    Hi. I usually set my form size to slightly smaller than the customer's screen size, and often I have hidden non-visible groupboxes just below the bottom of the form. The customer slides the form up to the top of their screen and, if their physical screen size is bigger, Windows 10 will show the...
  5. J Trahair

    Connecting to on-line MySQL database via Wordpress

    Hi. I have a MySQL database on-line hosted by godaddy. I have a application which connects to it fine - but directly to the MySQL database which means only certain IP addresses can connect to it. I have a travel agent customer who wants to connect to it from various computers in Europe...
  6. J Trahair

    Using GenericUriParserOptions in a Net Compact Framework 3.5 project

    Hi. I have a handheld terminal on Windows CE6.0 Net CF3.5, and need to send urls to a web server without letting it include the (buggy) extra backslash you get when you convert the url to %5C and %2F etc. (encode all the parameters using the RFC 3986 standard). To this end I need to use...
  7. J Trahair

    Could not find schema information for the element 'uri'

    Hi. I have to use the function Uri.EscapeUriString to prepare a url, and I have to use <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <uri> <schemeSettings> <add name="http" genericUriParserOptions="DontUnescapePathDotsAndSlashes" /> </schemeSettings> </uri>...
  8. J Trahair

    Visual Studio 2010 and Windows 10

    Hi everyone. I am developing in Visual Studio 2010 (v.10). Does it have any issues with Windows 10 that you know of? If I upgrade to VS14, what differences will I notice (regardless of any Windows 10 improvements if any)? Thank you.
  9. J Trahair

    Problem with Microsoft.VisualBasic

    I am getting an error message when I run my project on a handheld - 'File or assembly name Microsoft.VisualBasic Version= ... not found'. My project has Microsoft.VisualBasic ticked in the References/Imported namespaces and compiles perfectly. It doesn't have it in the Reference section...
  10. J Trahair

    Code signing and certificates

    Hi. I am trying to make it so my programs are more easily installed on customers' computers. So I obtained a Code Signing Certificate (at great cost and many hoops to go through) which is now installed, backed up and configured into a P12.pfx file. In the VB My Project Signing tab that...
  11. J Trahair

    How to get the names of files to be downloaded (Using client As New Net.WebClient)

    Using client As New Net.WebClient: this seems to only download a file whose name you know. Is there a client.DownloadFiles(whatever, whatever, "*.csv")? Or a strFileNames = client.GetFilesInRemoteFTPFolder(whatever), so I can parse the file names from the result? Thank you.
  12. J Trahair

    Using client.UploadFile changes text file

    Hi. I am using the following code to upload a file from the desktop to an ftp site. On downloading the same file from the ftp site, I find the file has extra line feeds that weren't in the uploaded file. client.UploadFile("" &...
  13. J Trahair

    Web service request not working

    Hi. I am trying to get a response from a web service (online ticket sales) to check a ticket or to redeem one. However, nothing seems to happen except StatusDescription = OK and StatusCode = 200. Even when I deliberately misspell the user name, password, ticket number (credentials) etc, it still...
  14. J Trahair

    Send email with 2 embedded images

    Hi. The following code will successfully send an email with one embedded image (the second image 'cid') as a footer. The variable strEmailText contains the text of the email: Dim cid1 As String = email.AddRelatedFile(mstrAppPath & "Company header.png") Dim cid As String =...
  15. J Trahair

    Using Strings in C# converted from VB

    Hi all I have converted some VB into C#, but the VB functions Format, Mid, Asc, Chr, Replace, Trim, Len and Val produce the error: Error 1 The name 'Strings' does not exist in the current context etc. The conversion site produced the following code (edited by me)...
  16. J Trahair

    How to pass data and commands between VB form and C# form in same solution

    Hi all. I have a VB project with a C# project in the same solution. It works so far in that I can call (Show) the C# form from the VB form. The C# form is created as a Class Library, and is a dll which has a Reference in the VB project. I want to pass data in the form of a variable from the VB...
  17. J Trahair

    Curious behaviour when starting a compiled program

    I have written my own invoicing program in VB.Net, which I run from a compiled exe just as if I had downloaded it from somewhere and run an installer Setup.exe. I also run a couple of other compiled exes which I wrote, eg. a database query program, and a holiday home accounts and bookings...
  18. J Trahair

    layout problem Windows 8

    Hi Everybody. I have a VB.Net project that works well in Windows XP and Windows 7. My customer got himself a new laptop with Windows 8 preinstalled. The project runs but where GroupBox positions are set at runtime (as opposed to development time), they bunch up a little towards the top left, as...
  19. J Trahair

    DGV cell containing a number doesn't like If grd1.Item(2, numRowNo).Value = "" Then

    DGV cell containing a number doesn't like If grd1.Item(2, numRowNo).Value = "" Then Hi. In many places I need to test whether a cell contains a value, or is blank. If grd1.Item(2, numRowNo).Value = "" Then However, sometimes the value is a number, such a 12.45 or 5038051368669 (a bar...
  20. J Trahair

    Looking for doc to pdf converter

    Hi everyone. I'm looking for a VB.Net utility that converts an existing .doc, .docx, .xls to a .pdf file. I already have one that the user can choose as a (virtual) printer, but I'm looking for one that places the .pdf file in the same folder as the .doc(x) etc., ideally without asking any...