Search results for query: *

  1. J

    Sort multiple columns in gridview

    I am trying to sort a gridview which contains around 10 columns. I have the below code which works to an extent but i cant reverse the procedure (i.e. Ascend the row). In addition im not sure how i could sort multiple columns rather than just one? page_Load ViewState("sort") = "" End Sub...
  2. J

    How to display data

    I have an app where user1 would log in send a message to the Support team. The Support personnel would then see it on their system and can send a reply back to them and so forth. What control would be appropriate to display the conversation? I understand i could use a SQL Stored proc to order...
  3. J

    Advice on getting detauls from employee

    I would like to get all of an employee details along with their previous employment history. What controls could I use to get the employees details at stage one and then prev employers at stage two? Especially when they have multiple employers. What could the database look like?
  4. J

    N Tier layer questions

    I created a website using the following structure: Class Project - Called DataAccessLayer > Added a Dataset > Add a tableAdapter and Datatable with a query called GetcustomersByID(ID) Class Project - Called BusinessLayer > Created some code to call into the DataAccessLayer and return the...
  5. J

    Class creation questions

    I have a project that im maintaining. I have come across the following class <MetadataType(GetType(Customer.CustomerMeta))> _ Partial Public Class Customer Friend Class CustomerMeta <Required(), StringLength(20)> Public FirstName As String End Class Questions are: 1. Is this the 'standard'...
  6. J

    Linq to XML data and service

    I am consuming a web service which i believe is raw XML (in case my terminology is incorrect then the service address is http://site/service). If i send a request then i send it as http://site/service/?name=MyNameIs. Once i do that i see an XML page in my browser. I would like to have the...
  7. J

    Create a popup

    Im looking to create a pop up so when a user clicks a button on a webpage it opens up in a new window. Ive seen a few articles but not sure which one may apply to this situation. In short i would like a user to click a button a small window (200px x 300px) shows up and the user can enter some...
  8. J

    Cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array

    Im using a service to get a list of houses based on the input from a customer. When i pass in GetListHouse i get the error "Value of type 'HouseList' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of HouseList'.". So i understand that i need to insert the item that im referring to i.e...
  9. J

    N Tier structure

    Using Linq to SQL I am wondering if the below procedure is correct? (DAL= Data Access Layer, DTO= Data Transfer Object, BLL= Business Logic Layer Add a Class Library project and call it DAL. Delete the existing class and add a Linq to SQL file. Drag/drop required tables etc. Add another Class...
  10. J

    Lambda Expressions

    Has anyone used Lambda expressions? If so im looking for a simple example to see how i could use them. I have read a few examples on the internet but fail to see what advantage it gives. If anyone can, i would prefer to have an example of what i could do without Lambda and one with Lambda to get...
  11. J

    Gridview Edit mode Dropdown

    I have a SQL statement that brings back a few rows which is then linked to my data access and in turn is linked in my Business Layer. The statement is similar to SELECT col1ID, col2, col3, col4ID, (SELECT value from Sometable where sometable.ID = Table.col4ID) As Country From Table WHERE colID...
  12. J

    Failed to convert parameter value from string to guid

    In my database table i have a field that is of type UniqueIdentifier. I then have a tableadapter in my dataset (of course in a project) that contains a query as below select name, address1, address2 from myTable where ID=@ID ID is the field that is of type UniqueIdentifier. When i run the...
  13. J

    ASP Authentication and with my own database

    I am using ASP .Net forms membership in a site which allows users to log on and allows me to use the methods built in etc. With this in mind i have my own database which collects data from the user. I would like to use the logged on users details but in my own database. I could retrieve the...
  14. J


    I have a function with an array, where i am trying to set the header text in a dynamically created table. Dim Headers() As String={"One", "Two", "Three"} For Header As Integer = 1 To 3 thc = New TableHeaderCell For Each hdr As String In Headers...
  15. J

    Textbox in gridview

    I have a Gridview which has its datasource set to a DataTable. This has been done due to the data required which is not held in a database. Two columns are generated in this fashion. What i need is a third column to have a textbox, so users can enter their comments etc. My code is Dim dt...
  16. J

    Export <templatefield to Excel

    I am using a HttpContext to write all gridview data to Excel. The problem i have is with any templatefields that are bound their data is not exported i.e. <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Value"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton ID="Completevalue" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("SalesValue") %>'...
  17. J

    Missing item from combo

    ...some textboxes and a combo box. The combo list items are generated by calling a stored proc on a SQL server. The SQL is similar to Select * from table where Item=1 Item in the above code is a bit type in sql so it returns only the items that are available by setting the value to...
  18. J

    Close previous form

    A little bit of a strange issue that i thougt would have been straight forward. I have two forms. 1 a login form, 2 The default application. I would like the user to be verified by form 1 (Login Form) and if verified to open up form 2 (Default Application). I cant get this to work.... My code...
  19. J

    Autocomplete using AD as source

    I have some code that calls to Active Directory and gets a list of users then adds them into a ComboBox. I would like to extend this feature by allowing the combo box to autocomplete when a user starts to type. Ive read a few articles but they seem to be based on data coming from SQL server...
  20. J

    Splash screen

    I'm trying to use a splash screen to check the logged on users rights and if all meets criteria it loads the default form. Currently in my load event of the spash form i had some code along the lines If CriteriaMet Then OpenForm Else msgbox("You do not have access to this app") End If However...