I have a web page that allows a user to put in a zip code and a radius in miles. The page is supposed to pull rows out of a database based on the zip code within the selected number of miles. The database contains latitude and longitude information for each row (location) of data.
If I put in a zip code that matches the zip code of an existing row, I can get results that include the corresponding row (location) only if I search within 25 miles or more. If I search within 10 miles, I do not get the location, even though I type in the proper zip code.
I am puzzled why the search will work for 25 miles or more, but will not work for 10 miles.
The code behind is written in VB.NET. It uses the Yahoo Maps api to determine the latitude and longitude of the zip code entered by the user. Then it calculates a high and low latitude and longitude for the database selection based on the distance desired.
Once again, the search returns results correctly if I search by 25 miles or more, but if I search by 10 miles, I do not get all results, even though they are in the same zip code.
If I put in a zip code that matches the zip code of an existing row, I can get results that include the corresponding row (location) only if I search within 25 miles or more. If I search within 10 miles, I do not get the location, even though I type in the proper zip code.
I am puzzled why the search will work for 25 miles or more, but will not work for 10 miles.
The code behind is written in VB.NET. It uses the Yahoo Maps api to determine the latitude and longitude of the zip code entered by the user. Then it calculates a high and low latitude and longitude for the database selection based on the distance desired.
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Partial Class dealersearch
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim coordinates As ArrayList = getCoordinates()
Dim distance As ArrayList = calculateDistance(coordinates(0), coordinates(1))
getCertifiedDealers(distance(0), distance(1), distance(2), distance(3))
getDealers(distance(0), distance(1), distance(2), distance(3))
End Sub
Sub getCertifiedDealers(ByVal lowLat As Decimal, ByVal highLat As Decimal, ByVal lowLong As Decimal, ByVal highLong As Decimal)
Dim SqlConnObj As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Dealers").ToString)
Dim SqlCmd1 As New SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM Dealers WHERE OnWebsite = 'Yes' AND Certified = 'Yes' AND latitude BETWEEN " & lowLat & " AND " & highLat & " AND longitude BETWEEN " & lowLong & " AND " & highLong, SqlConnObj)
SqlCmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim count As String = SqlCmd1.ExecuteScalar
If count > 0 Then
Dim SqlReader As SqlDataReader
Dim SqlCmd2 As New SqlCommand("SELECT DealerCompany, Certifications, Telephone, DealerFirstName, StreetAddress, City, StateProv, Zip, OnWebsite FROM Dealers WHERE OnWebsite = 'Yes' AND Certified = 'Yes' AND latitude BETWEEN " & lowLat & " AND " & highLat & " AND longitude BETWEEN " & lowLong & " AND " & highLong & "ORDER BY DealerCompany", SqlConnObj)
SqlCmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
SqlReader = SqlCmd2.ExecuteReader
certifiedDealers.DataSource = SqlReader
certifiedResults.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Sub getDealers(ByVal lowLat As Decimal, ByVal highLat As Decimal, ByVal lowLong As Decimal, ByVal highLong As Decimal)
Dim SqlConnObj As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Dealers").ToString)
Dim SqlCmd1 As New SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM Dealers WHERE OnWebsite = 'Yes' AND Certified = 'No' AND latitude BETWEEN " & lowLat & " AND " & highLat & " AND longitude BETWEEN " & lowLong & " AND " & highLong, SqlConnObj)
SqlCmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim count As String = SqlCmd1.ExecuteScalar
If count > 0 Then
Dim SqlReader As SqlDataReader
Dim SqlCmd2 As New SqlCommand("SELECT DealerCompany, Telephone, DealerFirstName, StreetAddress, City, StateProv, Zip, OnWebSite FROM Dealers WHERE OnWebsite = 'Yes' AND Certified = 'No' AND latitude BETWEEN " & lowLat & " AND " & highLat & " AND longitude BETWEEN " & lowLong & " AND " & highLong & "ORDER BY DealerCompany", SqlConnObj)
SqlCmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
SqlReader = SqlCmd2.ExecuteReader
dealers.DataSource = SqlReader
Results.Visible = True
End If
'Dim zipCode As String = Request.QueryString("zip")
'zip.Text = zipCode
End Sub
Function getCoordinates() As ArrayList
Dim url As String
Dim latitude As Decimal
Dim longitude As Decimal
Dim coordinates As ArrayList = New ArrayList
Dim zip As String = Request.QueryString("zip")
url = "http://api.local.yahoo.com/MapsService/V1/geocode?appid=OQ7rOPTV34EfC.pCU8D7BRHWYIIPX1avnYCBd1gjzD11V4QA6Ie4XXCr3eiGC_znbkMrjQ--&zip=" & zip
Dim xmlReader As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(url)
While xmlReader.Read()
If xmlReader.Name.ToString() = "Latitude" Then
latitude = xmlReader.ReadString().ToString()
End If
If xmlReader.Name.ToString() = "Longitude" Then
longitude = xmlReader.ReadString().ToString()
End If
End While
Return coordinates
End Function
Function calculateDistance(ByVal latitude As Decimal, ByVal longitude As Decimal) As ArrayList
Dim miles As Integer = Request.QueryString("miles")
Dim degrees As Decimal = 69.172
Dim PI As Decimal = 3.14159265358979
Dim highLat As Decimal = latitude + (miles / degrees)
Dim lowLat As Decimal = latitude - (highLat - latitude)
Dim highLong As Decimal = longitude + miles / (System.Math.Cos(lowLat * PI / 180) * degrees)
Dim lowLong As Decimal = longitude - (highLong - longitude)
Dim distanceArray As ArrayList = New ArrayList
Return distanceArray
End Function
Protected Sub search_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles search.Click
Response.Redirect("dealersearch.aspx?zip=" & zip.Text & "&miles=" & miles.SelectedValue)
End Sub
End Class
Once again, the search returns results correctly if I search by 25 miles or more, but if I search by 10 miles, I do not get all results, even though they are in the same zip code.