Your Interest in Visual studio?


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi there people.

My question to anyone here is, what part of Visual basic interests you? What lights your fire;)

Hmm...I'm a complete beginner as some of you would already know...:rolleyes:

My interest is really in the basic side of GDI+ I'm not heading to be a pro, neither a full time interested programmer. Some of you here work for a company or something so your into the whole subject.

I also like the whole thing of, you know like if you imagine in your mind, the computer reading your vb code...hmm, think of it as notepad, and your reading it, but that "you are reading it" is the computer. But the computer processor changes that into machine code, the compiler and simutaneously the processor etc I think that is about right.
So everyone just uses this because its a default, and simple?
That sounds good to me, personally I've always though the VS IDE's where always the best IDE's out there and since I'm using the MS languages I get the IDE anyways.

IDE add ons always make it better