Question XML report generating


New member
Apr 18, 2010
Programming Experience

Well i have use to extract some data from the system and store into my XML format .well now i have problem to generate my report by using XSL as if i generate report all my white space is been removed .Here is my XML script ,hope some one can solve my problem




  • pslistxml.txt
    9.1 KB · Views: 17
That's your XML format!? At a quick glance you've not closed your PSLIST element. Other than that I can't help you because you haven't given enough information about your process or expected end result.

Since you're designing the way the data is put in the XML file and the XSL to format it I would suggest putting this stuff in elements so you can work with it in a reliable way rather than just jamming everything into an attribute called Result.
Thanks For the reply MATTP well the whole system works in this way I am using to run a EXE file called PSLIST this tools will pick all the process running in the computer and store automatically in XML format .An the output I wanted is in html format as my report. So to archive this I worked in XSL and at the end I doesn’t got a design as I wanted since all the white space at the end is taken out as the report need to retain the white space then only the data will be align. As you mention that at glance the PSLIST Element is not closed .I do aware but when I runPSLIST in I should not do any manual editing to the XML code .Well this is how the output should look a like .


  • xmloutput.doc
    41 KB · Views: 16