Question Write To Textfile


Feb 21, 2010
Programming Experience
I have a bar cash register and have buttons for the drinks and number pad. In the program I have it working and it is reading the File and storing it in a Array. the problem i have is writing back to the part of the textfile. Here is 2 of the drinks buttons, all the rest of the drinks are the same.
Could you tell Me Where I am going Wrong.
   Public Structure Pints
        Dim Name As String
        Dim Price As Double
        Dim Quantity As Integer
        Dim QuantitySold As Integer
    End Structure

    Public products(41) As Pints

Private Sub frmEPOS_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("Drinks.txt")

        For counter As Integer = 0 To 41
            products(counter).Name = sr.ReadLine
            products(counter).Price = sr.ReadLine
            products(counter).Quantity = sr.ReadLine
            products(counter).QuantitySold = sr.ReadLine
    End Sub

 Private Sub btnOne_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOne.Click
        intQuantity = 0

        intQuantity += 1
        decTotalDrinkPrice = intQuantity * decDrinkPrice
        lstItemsDisplayPanel.Items.Add(intQuantity & "  " & strDrinkName & " " & FormatCurrency(decTotalDrinkPrice))
        intStock -= intQuantity
        intQuantitySales += intQuantity
        decSubtotal += decTotalDrinkPrice

        Dim sw As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.CreateText("Drinks.txt")



        decTotalDrinkPrice = 0
        decDrinkPrice = 0
        strDrinkName = ""

        btnOne.Enabled = False
        btnTwo.Enabled = False
        btnThree.Enabled = False
        btnFour.Enabled = False
        btnFive.Enabled = False
        btnSix.Enabled = False
        btnSeven.Enabled = False
        btnEight.Enabled = False
        btnNine.Enabled = False
        btnZero.Enabled = False

    Private Sub btnGuinness_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGuinness.Click
        intQuantity = 0

        strDrinkName = products(0).Name
        decDrinkPrice = products(0).Price
        intStock = products(0).Quantity
        intQuantitySales = products(0).QuantitySold

        btnOne.Enabled = True
        btnTwo.Enabled = True
        btnThree.Enabled = True
        btnFour.Enabled = True
        btnFive.Enabled = True
        btnSix.Enabled = True
        btnSeven.Enabled = True
        btnEight.Enabled = True
        btnNine.Enabled = True
        btnZero.Enabled = True

    End Sub

    'Half Guinness Stout
    Private Sub btnHalfGuinness_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnHalfGuinness.Click
        intQuantity = 0

        strDrinkName = products(1).Name
        decDrinkPrice = products(1).Price
        intStock = products(1).Quantity
        intQuantitySales = products(1).QuantitySold

        btnOne.Enabled = True
        btnTwo.Enabled = True
        btnThree.Enabled = True
        btnFour.Enabled = True
        btnFive.Enabled = True
        btnSix.Enabled = True
        btnSeven.Enabled = True
        btnEight.Enabled = True
        btnNine.Enabled = True
        btnZero.Enabled = True

    End Sub
Can you give more details to what your problem is? Like what do you expect to see happen and what is actually happening.

Using IO.File.CreateText will overwrite any existing data in your file. Not sure if that is what you want to do or not, but if you want to append, use IO.File.AppendText.