Question Working with database in visual studio 2010


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi Everybody

I'm a Beginner to Visual Basic and new to this forum.

I have created a new project in visual studio, and i added a database from an access file (*.accdc), the
database has two tables in it.

I have created a form that shows table one and i can browse through it easaly
and i have added a button that opens a new form that has the data from table two.

but i want to "sync" the two form, so when i open the 2nd form it will show me the relevant information.

if anybody has an idea how to help a newbie i would appreciate it very much

Thank! :)
It might help if we knew what the "relevant information" is. I'm guessing that you only want to show child records that are related to the parent selected in the first form. If so then you will need to pass the ID of that parent to the second form when you create it, either as a constructor argument or by setting a property. You can then use that value as a filter in your query in the second form.
It might help if we knew what the "relevant information" is. I'm guessing that you only want to show child records that are related to the parent selected in the first form. If so then you will need to pass the ID of that parent to the second form when you create it, either as a constructor argument or by setting a property. You can then use that value as a filter in your query in the second form.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Can you please tell me how to do so, or direct me to a place that show's how to do it?

