.WMPLib and .MSCompactlLib Trouble


Well-known member
May 4, 2006
Programming Experience
I created 2 new forms in my app. One is for recording audio, and the other is for playing... using the windows media control. Well, it works great on the computer I am programming on. I loaded my app onto another computer today, but the forms for the recording and playback say the .WMPLib and .MSCompactlLib could not be loaded. How could this be? What do I need to do to fix it?
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I have even tried to put them into the app folder and register it....no luck. It only works when I am compiling or if I make an install disc. If I paste the dlls into an app folder of a computer that is running the app, it does no good. The MScomctlLib is for a slider. I am going to have a problem because I need to update some computers that are already running the app. Any ideas?