windows service to interact with SQL


New member
May 26, 2007
Programming Experience
I'm new to Visual Studio .net 2003 and I have a requirement to write a windows service which extracts data from a SQL database and writes this information into a flat xml file.

This application will be used to export orders from one system, build the correct XML file format ready for importing into a different system.

I need to know the absolute basics. I'm familiar with vbScript, and I'm guessing the syntax's must be pretty similar. I just need to know where to get started. I've looked through posts, and books and I just can't work out how to drive visual

Can someone please provide me with an idiots guide (step by step bullet points) how to start to write a windows service. I need to know the steps from opening up the Visual application to writing a small example so I can work out how to begin to write my service.
I've never used all the components of the VS.NET before - I've only used it as an asp editor (I have no idea how to compile code or install the service etc).

Any help would be really appreciated - I only need a bit of help to get started and it's frustrating the hell out of me.

Thanks in advance.
search web " windows service tutorial"

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