Windows Forms Bug?!!?


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Cambridge, UK
Programming Experience
Windows Forms Bug?!!? [Resolved]

Hi everyone, I have been working on this problem for some time now and i just cant resolve it.
my main opening form has some fairly complex graphics on it aswell as some custom designed controls.I have set the forms transparency key so that parts of the from will appear transparent and my form will appear to be a rounded rectangle shape. When the form opens i get to watch all these things being painted to the screen (Not very nice to look at!) So i tried to get around this by adding timer that increases the forms opacity. So that all the painting is done when the form is transparent and then it is presented to the screen. This works absolutely great, only seems to forget about the transparency key property, and paints the background the color i've set it at. Is there a way to make this work, or even better, a way to do the painting off screen and present it to the user?
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I thought exactly the same. But i couldn't seem to get it work correctly. I did solve the prblem though. It turns out that using...

was causing the problem. I removed this line and it works fine. thanks for the reply.