Windows form example project


New member
Feb 11, 2014
Programming Experience
My first post! :)

I have a new client who wants me to create a windows form application. (Non-WPF, ole skool)

Where can I find an example project,, windows forms, data access (non LINQ, non Entity Framework, etc)? I would like one that uses best practices (even tiered architecture if possible).

It seems that most up to date samples are in C#. The Microsoft start kit/gallery area seems disorganized and doesn't give me what I'm looking for.

So you want to show your client a sample of work that you have not done? Why not just write one yourself, you are going to anyways since he is your client, right? Besides, why is your client dictating the technology you will be using? The client has a say only on the final product, not on the code. I do hope you keep the rights to your own code.
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Thanks for your message. Sorry I was not clear.

No, I don't want to show them work I have not done. I want to study what is best practice so that I can sharpen up my skills and do the project properly from scratch. The sample doesn't have to be anything like what my client wants... just best practice.

Also, to clarify the situation, they have an older VB.NET program they want me to update & add features to. Later, I will be creating an app from scratch, either or windows forms.

So you want to show your client a sample of work that you have not done? Why not just write one yourself, you are going to anyways since he is your client, right? Besides, why is your client dictating the technology you will be using? The client has a say only on the final product, not on the code. I do hope you keep the rights to your own code.