Windows App in Full Screen


Jul 12, 2008
Programming Experience

I am making a application for a company using my personal computer which will then be ran on their machine.

My question is, how do I ensure that the application runs full screen on their computer? By this I don't mean hiding the start bar or anything, just making sure the window stretches around their screen. I was thinking screen size and resolution would come into play maybe?
By "full screen" you could mean maximized (WindowState=Maximized) or kiosk mode (max + FormBorderStyle=None).
One is maximized and the other full screen. Try the two settings and see for yourself.
im not so fluent in vb. so would that be, form1.windowstate....?

what i dont understand is, when i choose to make the vb app, it asks me how many pixels high and wide i want to make it. how to businesses make their application fit any screen size in the real world?
im not so fluent in vb. so would that be, form1.windowstate....?
You set these properties in Properties window in designer, or by code. Me.WindowState=...
what i dont understand is, when i choose to make the vb app, it asks me how many pixels high and wide i want to make it.
I also don't understand this, I've never been asked such a question.
how to businesses make their application fit any screen size in the real world?
In the real world a maximized window fills all the client area of the screen regardless of resolution. Don't tell me you have never used a window application and maximized it?
I know that this topic is a "little" old...
I started using VB a few weeks ago (2 or 3), so i'm starting to learn how this works... So excuse me for some stupid questions that i may ask... :)
I'm trying to build an app for internal use and i was looking for something like this, to present the form in full screen. After a little search i found the solution here...
Thx... and be ready for my stupid questions...