windows app. - help!

Mitja Bonca

New member
Feb 20, 2009
Programming Experience
Take a look at the picture.. i wanna do a windows application which will count degrees for a subject. The degree is combined out of 3 different types (practical, theoretical part and bonus points) All those 3 are in %, 1st is40%, 2nd is 40%, and 3rd is 20%.
It is not important that is in % just that a sum of all gives 100. And then that procentage I want to transfer into degree (from 5-10).
0-50% is 5
50-60% is 6
60-70% is 7
70-80% is 8
80-90% is 9
90-100% is 10
Can someone help me out with this?
I will save the data in database, which I already created!


  • degrees.JPG
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No one can` help me out?
btw, I have to insert number from 0-100 into insert rows (teo. prac. and bous) and then ti automaticly calculates the number into "Together points".
And then those number from 0-100 transfers into grade/degree from 5-10 (5 is sub 50, 10 is 100).
Add the values of each textbox and display that value, then use Select Case to manage the results:

 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Label1.Text = CInt(TextBox1.Text) + CInt(TextBox2.Text) + CInt(TextBox3.Text) + CInt(TextBox4.Text)
        Dim numberToDegree As Integer = CInt(Label1.Text)
        Select Case numberToDegree
            Case 50 To 59
                Label2.Text = "one"
            Case 60 To 69
                Label2.Text = "two"
            Case Else
                 'do something else
        End Select
    End Sub