Windows 7 Taskbar progressbar


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2008
Programming Experience
I am using the windowsapicodepack to display the progress status on the taskbar icon. Am mirroring the value from a progressbar in the form.

TaskbarManager.Instance.SetProgressValue(pbTest.Value, 100)

I find that the results varies. Sometime it displace the progress in the taskbar, and something nothing happens. I have no idea why. Sometime i reopen the form and it works again.
i think this is simular. Problem when using Taskbar Manager and Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack

If i open 2 forms, it will always only show the progress on the first taskbar icon. The 2nd form progress will show on first icon. How do i show progress on multiple windows? I am generating multiple forms from a single form template.

I cant do it the way that post does because I dont have a first form that is always there. I have a main form that doesnt have a taskbar icon, it can open multiple forms with icons, so when that first opened form is closed, it would stop working.
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