Why the C# preferred more than VB.net ?

Because C# is similar to C++, and there was many existing professional C++ programmers when .Net came almost 7 years ago or so, and great reluctancy it seems from the large number of hobbyist VB6 users to move on. Professionals tend to take on new technology and advantages faster. Some new programmers also think C# is an easier way to learn before C++. C style languages/programmers is usually considered more serious than VB and easier to get jobs. With the common .Net platform and more web/UI-oriented applications the last decade also VB programmers can make a living, Rapid Application Development is ever so important but the applications need to be good any way.
I'm working on Vb.net2005. Do you think I have to change to C#?
No, why would you?
it's common that C# can work on any system like microsoft, linux, macentoch and work so good on the web. VB.net can work only on microsoft system. and less that quality on the web.
No, there is basically no difference between C# and VB.Net, apart from language, and some minor things that is a big deal for only some people... VB is always considered easier to start learning, and you can learn quite a lot using this language as a platform
Thank you very mush! it was very useful for me.
My two cents.... If I had to make a choice between VB.Net and C# it would be VB.Net all the way and here's why.... Why would you want to go to the trouble of learning a second rate C style language like C# when you could just go ahead and learn the real thing and start programming in C++. Im my opinion and I know some people on here will love this but if you know VB.Net then you know C# anyway. Some small syntactical differences thats all that separates them. Unless you want to get into the fact that C# has features like stackalloc and unsafe code, fancy yes.... but useful? not really. C# was born for people who found C++ to complicated and couldn't be bothered to learn it. The .Net framework was written in a combination of VB.Net and C#, by the way, before people start harping on about that misconception.

So here's my anwser to your question, it's not preferred it's just that some very mis-informed people out there seem to think it's a better language than VB.Net and C# coders seem to be under the delusion that code they write is so much better than VB.Net code.. er wake up call guys... same framework!! To all the people who are thinking about a counter argument to my post then before you start, go off and learn to write in a real C language... C/C++ just like I did! If VB.Net is a noddy language then C# is the noddy language of the C world. In fact it doesn't belong in the C world at all.
In the first my english isn't very good soI'm confusing in some, or in a lot of your post.
Why would you want to go to the trouble of learning a second rate C style language like C# when you could just go ahead and learn the real thing and start programming in C++.

like stackalloc and unsafe code, fancy yes....

it's a better language and VB.Net and C# coders seem to be under the delusion that code they write is so much better than VB.Net code.. er wake up call guys... same framework!!
To all the people who are thinking about a counter argument to my post then before you start, go off and learn to write in a real C language... C/C++ just like I did! If VB.Net is a noddy language then C# is the noddy language of the C world. In fact it doesn't belong in the C world at all.
My preference was for C# but that was only because I migrated from the C/C++ Unix world recently. I have way, way more C/C++ experience than VB6 so it was a logical choice for me.

Recently I was required to work in VB.NET for a project. What did I find? Apart from a few minor benefits that C# has, NO REAL DIFFERENCE. Some of those things that C# has that VB.NET doesn't have are being added to VS2010, so even less excuse to favour one over the other.

IMO, it is easier in VB.NET to write UI applications because hooking up the events is easier than in C# and its harder to mess up the namespaces!

Unlike previous posters here I don't consider C# an inferior language to C or C++ for most usages. In fact, as a C/C++ programmer, it is a complete revolution and I would only go back to C/C++ grudgingly given the choice. But I should be careful to point out that the .NET framework provides a lot of support the developer that just makes life a whole lot easier.

I think it is far to say that I have seen more C# jobs on the market than VB jobs, at this point in time. At the moment my advice would be to concentrate on getting good at C# and any other associated technologies (e.g. WCF, WPF, Sql Server etc) because the switch from C# -> VB.NET is very easy to make.

Don't ignore VB.NET though, I can see a lot of VB6 to VB.NET upgrade/conversion work on the horizon, if it is not already here. My
VB6->VB.NET project I mentioned above came about because the existing VB6 application became unstable on Vista.

I can also see a lot of VB6/VB.NET to C# conversion work too.
I have a long history with the Basic languages that stretches back to GWBasic, VB1, VB3 and VB6, and then on to VB.net from the beginning of the .net revolution, all the way to 2008. I write both win forms apps, and web apps, with a strong SQL server flavor.

When .net first came out, I had a lot of trouble converting over from VB6, but over a while I got used to the concepts of ADO.net and a few other smaller issues, and became totally happy with working in the framework.

About 2 years ago, I had a project come my way that was written in c#, that was a complete mess, and I was tasked with fixing it so that it was neatly written and actually did what it was supposed to do.
I think it took me about a week to get totally happy with working with the slightly different syntax, and a few other little differences.

Essentially, the main differences to me are that the syntax is back to front, and you have to end every code line with a semi colon. Other that those two things, there are a few other differences that make very little difference to me and I can write code in either language equally happily.

With all that said, I do have to say that I find that if I start a new project these days, I tend to use c#. I don't know why, and I have no bias towards c#. I just find that I use it more often.

There does seem to be a bit more of a requirement in the job market to use c#, but in my opinion, if you know one, you can pick the other up in a very very short time, so it makes no difference.

Just my 2 cents worth.
From a beginner's pov, that was an interesting little read. I'd love to see comments from others.

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