Why does a nearly empty program use 4 threads?


Mar 17, 2011
Programming Experience
I just noticed after adding the threads column in task manager to Win7 that a fresh new VS2005 project with single form and no code compiles and runs with 4 threads. Does anyone else notice this? Can anyone tell me why?
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Ahh, so it is. a quick call to Threading.ThreadPool.GetMinThreads() yields a value of 4, so that explains why the program appears to be running 4 threads even though it's not executing anything. Thanks for helping me clear that up, it really annoyed me to see 4 threads running in Task Manager and not know why.
And to think, if TaskManager never even had an option to add a column for the number of threads.. You would never have got annoyed or even cared about it. Good job Microsoft don't put everything possible in the task manager eh?

ps; you'd be amazed how much a program that is "not doing anything" is doing ;)