Why do I need to close and re-open a project after re-rebuilding a referenced class?


Feb 17, 2010
Programming Experience
Not too sure why this is happening, maybe it's an issue with the IDE or maybe it's with the way I'm creating and linking projects...

Say I've got an application (exe) which references a class (dll) which in-turn references two other sub-classes (dll). If I've got all four projects open in separate IDE sessions and I make a change to one sub-class library and then re-build it... I often find that either the exe or the main class (dll) will contain errors - usually "type of xxyyzz is undefined".

In order to get rid of the error, I have to close the project and re-open it.

It's not a massive issue, just a bit of a hassle.

Is this a common problem, any way to solve it?

I generally see no problem with this in VB 2008. Sometimes I've had to rebuild to update (can't recall the exact problem), but usually the types/members are updated in parent assembly in real time when child assembly is built with two IDEs open. Have you installed latest SP? VB 2008 is in SP1.