Question Where can i found installed programs?


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Programming Experience

I have build an application in Visual Studio en publisched it so dat people can install the program. Now i would like to acces the installation on the client computer from an other application so that the user can start the application from a menu item within an other application. But in what folder is de application installed of how can I refer to the exe?

Sorry for my english

Where is it located depends entirely on where the installation package put it.

The developer has control over what the installation package does, so it would be anywhere.

Best bet is to do a Start/Search - search for files/folders - put in the .exe name, and let the OS tell you where it is.
That is the strange ching.. When I do a search on the projectname.exe there are no results.. There is a link under the start-menu but I can't figure out where it is pointing to..
Not at all.. It is not an shortcut but an (so called) Application Reference..

I did an full search on the C drive and the programm appears to be installed in this directory

C:\Documents and Settings\Danko\Local Settings\Apps\2.0\70B3E2J8.K5H\2AJRQX9B.VLM\lich..tion_c65e65fab2901f7d_0001.0000_e6ee03113ada16ee\

I don't think that this directory is the same on every computer you install it.. So i gues there has to be an reference to that folder from (for example) the register