When i run my (EXE) file on another computer i get the following error message ?


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2008
Programming Experience
This is the error message when i run the program from another computer..

Do i need to install .NET Framework to solve that problem on the other computer ?
If so is there anyworkaround to get it working without the .NET Framework something in thesigning features before to add extra readable components to the EXE file before compliling ?
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It looks like that computer doesn't have the framework installed. Install it then see if the error persists
I installed .NET Version 1.1 the problem till presists. It seems ive to install the latest V 3.5
I installed many versions of NET but cant get it to work why ?
It is possible that one of the files that make up the .NET framework is corrupted. Try uninstalling all versions of the .NET framework on the PC and reinstall .NET framework 3.5.

Also, remember to make sure that you don't have any Beta versions of the framework installed before you reinstall.

Also, try making a setup project and installing the application with it. That way it should make sure that any dependencies are installed ok in case there are any other missing dependencies.