Question when I click save on the binding navigator data in the textboxes disappear

Sorry for late reply was out of country

Here is the code: Private Sub ApplicantsBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Me.Validate() Me.ApplicantsBindingSource.EndEdit() Me.ApplicantsTableAdapter.Update(Me.ApplicantDetailsDataSet.Applicants) Me.ApplicantDentistBindingSource.EndEdit() Me.ApplicantDentistTableAdapter.Update(Me.ApplicantDetailsDataSet.ApplicantDentist) End Sub
You might want to use the appropriate tool bar button to format your code so that it's readable in future.

Anyway, EXACTLY how are you determining that the data isn't being saved? Is an exception thrown? If not then the data almost certainly is being saved. The first thing to do would be to test the values returned by Update. If they are not zero then the data is indeed being saved. In that case, you're just looking for it in the wrong place. To learn how to manage local data files, follow the first link in my signature.
What toolbar button? I run a select statement in SQL Server Management Studio. No exception is thrown. Zero (0) is returned from the update function.
What toolbar button?
The one with the little "vb" on it that says "wrap [xcode] tags around selected text" when you hover over it. You can also add the tags manually.
I run a select statement in SQL Server Management Studio.
Can I assume that you are using a database permanently attached to a SQL Server instance and not a SQL Server Express data file added directly to your project?
No exception is thrown. Zero (0) is returned from the update function.
Then there are no changes in your DataTable that can be saved by the SQL code contained in the TableAdapter.