

Mar 27, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi all,

I was hoping that someone would be able to point toward some resources so I can learn about the WebRequest function.

I am new to VB and wrote a small app that I wanted to allow the user to enter their zip code and have it grab the current weather information from the web.

If anyone knows where I can get some clear, simple explanations of how to use this function, it would be greatly appreciated
I wrote an application to do this awhile back. Actually it was the first VB app I ever did. I parsed an XML document online to get the weather, since one of the sources I found provided the functionality of using zip codes and XML was a pretty good method. I don't know if you'd consider doing it that way, or if you just want to do this to learn WebRequest.
Yes, what you described is exactly what I was looking to do. I checked your link but did not see anything but your inital post on the subject.

Since I am a total newb to VB I was looking for sort of a walk through of the code used to do such a thing and help understanding how it works. I want to ultimatly write the code myself but to see how someone else did it along with an explanation of what each line does would help tons.
I'll see about commenting the code in the project where I did this and I'll post it back here when I'm finished.

I'm not sure which link you're referring to, Cjard's link to a google search or maybe the link in my signature, which doesn't link to how I did this project. If you search for "XML" in this forum, you'll probably find alot of my posts asking questions when I was working on the app.